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Delta PDP

As the Delta 2023 Governorship election draws near, we want to carefully advise and at the same time call on the  State PDP leadership to be very mindful of their utterances as same is capable of misleading the general public, thereby causing disaffection amongst  party members, especially when the party is yet to have a candidate in the forthcoming general elections.

The  State Party leadership should always try, as much as possible, to remove sentiments, emotions and  bias while addressing issues affecting the party, i the PDP must remain a united front in the state to win the next general election at the state level.

The recent press statement credited to the State Publicity Secretary of our great party, Dr. Ifeanyi M. Osuoza, in his reaction to the press statement made by the State APC against His Excellency, Dr. Ifeanyi A. Okowa, when carefully studied calls for utmost concern, as critical stakeholders of the party.

The way and manner Dr. Ifeanyi M. Osuoza presented Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori in his press statement obviously presents a false impression that the leadership has adopted Rt. Hon. Sheriff as the anointed candidate of our party to the detriment and disfavour of other aspirants who are also aspiring for same office.

Our Publicity Secretary instead of addressing the issues raised by the APC, deviated to praise singing. It was more like campagning for Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori.

We all still remember how the State Party Chairman, Chief Kingsley Esiso, sometime ago made certain statements concerning zoning that almost tore the party apart in the state.

If the State Publicity Secretary  of the party,  Dr. Ifeanyi M  Osuoza, is so interested in campaigning for Rt. Hon Sheriff Oborevwori, he should quietly resign honourably as Publicity Secretary of the state PDP and join the campaign train of  the Honourable Speaker.

Using the organ of the party to project and/or pursue his  personal interest is unacceptable because, as a people, we must consider the  feelings of other aspirants in the party.

His Excellency, Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, has promised a level playing field and to conduct free and fair primaries in the state.

Therefore, it is expected that party officials should carry out their party responsibilities in an all inclusive manner that will not portray our party in a bad light before the general public, if we must win future elections and continue to stir the ship of state.

Engr. Aruoture M. Efe
Spokesman, Delta State Corncened PDP Leaders Forum

OPINION: Delta 2023: Between excellence and mediocrity

David Edevbie

A leader has to have vision, knowledge, conviction and courage.
These are complete in David Edevbie.

Everyone sees and recognises these attributes in him. He does not require to be packaged with make-believes and propaganda as some others are doing.

Fully conversant with the prospects and requirements for the development of all districts and communities across the state, he has articulated his vision with conviction as well communicated in his Modernisation Agenda.


The mission is to create a robust, knowledge-based economy to elevate the standard of living and quality of life of the people.

He has identified and explained the key drivers:
– Industrialisation through the activation of existing but not functional industrial parks, the establishment of new industrial hubs at various other strategic points across the state, creation of strategic partnerships to reactivate the operations of Warri, Koko and Burutu ports, greater enablement for the involvement, participation and partnership of the private sector in the development of the state, increased funding and institutional support for micro, small and medium scale enterprises
– adequate power supply by the establishment of a 500 megawatts power plant to support the industries and local enterprises;
– improved security through the re-organisation of the security architecture, localisation of the command structure to substantially involve local institutions, increased funding and deployment of new technologies in combating crime;
– strategic partnerships with the private sector for greater provision and even spread of social infrastructure across districts and communities;
– employment generation and wealth creation through the industries, support for local entrepreneurs and increased funding for the Job and Wealth Creation Office
– improved connection of riverine communities with coastal and inner road networks to open them up and ensure integrated development, increased industry and commerce;
– reforms of the public service with the introduction of digital technology, global best practices, training and retraining of the work force for greater efficiency and motivation in service delivery. These and more.


Edevbie’s vision and action plans are very clear, realistic and fundamental for the present and sustainable growth of the state.


All Deltans are in agreement that he has the knowledge, experience and capacity to achieve the set vision. They also acknowledge that he has demonstrated his competence and capacity with proven track records of performance working in various administrations of the state, at the Presidency and with his background in the private sector both within and outside the country.


These are the hallmarks of true leadership for which Governor Okowa himself had attested that Edevbie has continued to offer genuine leadership to Delta State and Nigeria and that he does things to achieve the standards obtainable in developed climes which we all admire and aspire to.


Therefore, ahead of the PDP primaries and the Delta 2023 Governorship election, the choice before Deltans is simple: It is between excellence which is complete in Edevbie and mediocrity which is obvious in those who, lacking in knowledge, competence and self conviction, have not shown any sense of vision nor plan, but are merely relying on Governor Okowa to carry them on his lap to become Governor.


Having no clear qualities nor demonstrated track records of performance, they are hoping that the incumbent will deploy the resources of state and, perhaps, political intimidation, to impose them on delegates at the primaries.


It has taken a long charade with the stifling of free political expression, intimidation and deception of party faithfuls for them to arrive at the concoction which, funningly, is being propagated and repudiated hourly on social media.


Deltans are seeing through the ruse and the jury is out there.

The delegates know their rights. They understand that their responsibility to ensure the best leadership for Deltans is a sacred one and would not present nor allow themselves to be cajoled, pressured, forced nor deceived into making the wrong choice.


Interestingly, the slogan of the PDP is: “Power to the people.” The meaning is that the power to choose leaders resides on the people and not on any one individual.


The delegates know this and will demonstrate the courage to stand firm to uphold and defend that power to protect the very soul of the PDP, of democracy and in the overall interest of the development, quality governance and progress of Deltans.


Assuredly too, Okowa as leader of the party and Governor of all, had and has continued to give his word on a free, fair and transparent primaries. And he is Ekwueme.


Therefore, it is cowardly of those suggesting that he will rig the process in their favour and he knows it will be demeaning of his person and office to do so.


The governance of Delta State is a serious issue, it is not a boys gang thing. Only the best is good for Deltans.

DELTA 2023: Okowa Will Always do the Right Thing in the Interest of the State, MSD Tells Deltans


Whether you are one amongst the massive multitude of admirers, supporters, peers, and loyalists of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, Ekwueme of the Universe, or you belong to that dwindling, rabble-rousing, infinitesimal crop of incorrigible, willing or reluctant detractors and cretins, who are always ready and eager to bad mouth and undermine him, one thing you must give to the Ekwueme himself is that he has never got it wrong and will never get it wrong. Governor Okowa has always done and will continue to do the right thing in the interest of Delta and Deltans.

The Movement for Stronger Delta, MSD, recalls with clarity that when, in January this year, Governor Okowa declared that only God, not man, can direct him on his successor and urged Deltans to seek the face of God, adding that he can’t play God and whoever will succeed him must keep the Alter fire burning, certain persons with very questionable and counter-productive motives, started applying all manner of subtle, covert, surreptitious and even downright hostile and acrimonious propaganda against the office and personality of the Governor, to actually compel him to play God and make a definite pronouncement and anointing.

But we are quite joyful and satisfied that Governor Okowa, like the visionary, deeply prayerful and always consulting leader, who wants the best and nothing but the best for Deltans, kept his calm, unruffled, patient, strategically astute counsel and countenance, even when the din from various interest groups was loudly threatening to implode the polity and set in motion, a well-orchestrated plot by those in pursuit of their personal ambitions, to disunite, dislocate and derail the divine mandate and consolidation of a #stronger Delta for all Deltans.

Following the assent of President Muhammadu Buhari to the amended Electoral Act, and the release by INEC of the timetable and guidelines for the 2023 general elections, activities in the political space became clearer and more robust as the apprehension which had trailed the President’s repeated refusal to sign the electoral bill into law dissipated rapidly, even though clause 84 (12) still remains a potential game-changer, as political permutations unfold.

The Movement for Stronger Delta is quite impressed with the fervour and intensity of the debate which has surrounded the issue of ‘zoning’, especially in the PDP and we are strongly convinced that just like in the previous three election cycles before now, the matter of ‘zoning’, will be settled amicably and resolved without any further controversy, to the satisfaction of all, under the wise, divinely guided watch of Governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

Ekwueme will not disappoint Deltans on ‘zoning’ and you can take that to the bank.

Intriguingly, however, the ‘zoning’ conundrum in Delta State, particularly in the PDP, actually involves Delta South and Delta central, and we must indeed applaud the political maturity of Delta North for whom Governor Ifeanyi Okowa is serving out its second term to complete the ‘zoning’ arrangement that started with Delta Central and was followed by Delta South.

We want to commend Delta North PDP for its exemplary and admirable discipline, in ensuring that some renegade politician, whether sponsored or not, has not sprung up from Anioma Nation to start campaigning for the Governorship ticket, after Governor Okowa’s tenure, but that the entire Delta North PDP family has unanimously, categorically, and unequivocally spoken with one voice in solidarity with their son, that they will follow Governor Okowa in 2023 and where ever Ekwueme goes, is where they will go.

No trust can be greater than the trust of your people and Governor Okowa has earned the trust of the Anioma Nation.

As it stands now however, the Guber front runner from Delta South is the Deputy Governor of Delta State, Deacon (Barr.) Kingsley Burutu Otuaro. A man of meek and Godly virtues, and a recognized legal practitioner, he has served loyally, diligently and with unquestionable commitment to the mandate, first of the SMART Agenda and then the consolidation of #Stronger Delta. He will indeed make a worthy successor and the field is open for a free, fair, and transparent primary in the PDP, as Governor Okowa has pledged.

Delta Central, however, appears to have prepared itself properly for 2023, when some noble, patriotic and seasoned political figures in the PDP, under the aegis of DC-23, a Pan-Delta Central ethnopolitical pressure group, took it upon themselves, with real vigour and crusading zest, as they have every constitutional right and freedom to so associate, to try and set an agenda for the emergence of a candidate that will be supported by all in the long run, except of course those who do not mean well for the zone or the party.

Interested aspirants were encouraged to submit themselves to a properly composed screening committee, comprising some of the most distinguished, erudite, and well-respected statesmen from the Central Senatorial District.

At the end of the pruning exercise, three aspirants emerged as the selected choices of DC-23, and while a number of those who didn’t make the shortlist have continued campaigning, the unanimous consensus is that the three aspirants; Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, Chief Kenneth Gbagi, and, Mr. David Edevbie, also have the requisite capacity, acumen and appeal, to represent Delta Central perfectly.

Chief Kenneth Gbagi, a former Education Minister, Criminologist, entrepreneur, lawyer, and philanthropist, often regarded as one of the founding fathers and pioneer pillars of Delta State, actually declared his governorship intention first and has embarked on a dynamic, highly visible, and energetic campaign.

His competence and experience, as the only elder statesman amongst the shortlisted aspirants, are not in doubt, but while he has attempted to engage the issues of a development agenda with some gusto, he has not however covered himself in glory with some of his utterances and innuendos, which have not only hinted at divisive, polarizing, and genocidal tendencies, but also echoed derisive descriptions aimed at some top personalities in the PDP; all of which have actually left many wondering about his loyalty to the party.

He is also carrying a personal baggage of alleged domestic violence and despite a legal victory over his petitioners, the baggage still hovers around him like an ominous cloud.

Mr. David Edevbie is an economist, an investment banker, with an impressive academic resume which includes an MBA from Cardiff School of Business, University of Wales, and the renowned Harvard Business School.

He is said to have cut his teeth at the globally reputed Barclays Bank, London, and grew to top Investment Executive at Hill Samuel Bank from where the Commonwealth Development Corporation engaged him as Investment Officer for Asia and the Pacific Region where he contributed to the economic and social development of such nations as Malaysia, Indonesia, Hong Kong and the rest of the Asian Tiger countries.

Young, debonair and generally regarded as sophisticated and elitist with a healthy post-modern work-ethic and a seeming attitudinal arrogance allegedly tilting distastefully towards contemptuous, haughty, egocentric snobbishness, Edevbie’s political credentials begin and end with his stints as a hitherto long-serving Commissioner in the Delta State cabinet, a Principal Secretary to the President (PSP) and the Chief of Staff to Governor Okowa’s Government.

He also has a personal baggage, carried over from his first stint as Delta State Commissioner of Finance from 1999 – 2007 and those who remember that tenure and it’s aftermath, will know what this is all about.

Rt. Hon Sheriff Oborevwori, is the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly. His political credentials are impeccable. He is a thoroughbred grassroots politician, having started his political career from the very root, as a councillor and rising through the political trajectory to become Chairman of his Osubi Community, a legislator representing Okpe Constituency in the Delta State House of Assembly since 2015 and emerging by overwhelming popular choice, as Speaker in 2017, following the removal of the then incumbent.

He was re-elected as their legislator by his people and again as Speaker in 2019 and his tenure as the number one lawmaker in Delta State, has arguably lasted more than any of his predecessors and has ushered in the most peaceful, rancour-free, pragmatically driven legislature, working in harmonious tandem and symbiosis with the Executive and Judiciary, in the history of Delta State.

None of the other aspirants have contributed more to the actualization of the SMART Agenda and the consolidation of #Stronger Delta, than Rt. Hon.Sheriff Oborevwori.

Calm, focused, determined, firm, exhibiting admirable humility and simplicity, and unwavering in his conduct and convictions, Sheriff Oborevwori is a detribalized “home boy” to his friends, associates, peers, and colleagues.

His generousity and humaness are legendary. He commands respect with effortless ease and carries himself with a magisterial authority which lends ample credence to the phrase that “Leaders are born, not made”.

He also carries everybody along and his simple warm, broad and always constant smile, is as pure and clear as his intentions.

Boasting excellent academic credentials to his curriculum vitae, Oborevwori is a proud alumnus of Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, where he bagged a Bachelor’s Degree in Political Science, our own Delta State University, Abraka, where he got his Masters Degree still in Political Science, the Alliance Manchester Business School of Manchester University Leadership Executive Certificate Programme, and the London School of Economics and Political Science certificate Programme on Leading Inclusive Development, amongst others.

He has no personal baggage or controversy to weigh him down and indeed, with an eye on the bigger picture of the Governorship election to come, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, embodies the perfect mix of popularity, political strength, leadership authority, administrative experience and acumen, and a personality that is charming, accommodating, courteous, accessible and a great team player, to do battle under the umbrella of the PDP, with whoever is imposed, or even imposes himself as we have been reliably informed, on the other political groups in the State. He is indeed the perfect epitome of a Pan-Delta Candidate.

Like we said earlier, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa, the ‘Ekwueme gburugburu’ has never got it wrong and will never get it wrong in ensuring that only the best will be delivered, both in addressing the ‘zoning’ issue and in fulfilling the interest of Deltans and ensuring a #StrongerDelta for all Deltans.

That, as we have always declared is the SIMPLE Agenda.


2023 DELTA CENTRAL SENATE RACE: Amori sets to declare intention

Plans have been concluded for the official declaration of a founding member of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) in Delta State, Senator Ighoyota Amori, for the Delta Central Senatorial seat in the 2023 general elections.

Ighoyota Amori

Amori, who is currently the Deputy National Organising Secretary of PDP is set to declare his intention to be the voice of the Urhobos of Delta State in the Red Chamber on Saturday, March 19, 2022, at his Mosogar country home in Ethiope West Local Government Area beginning at 12noon.

The declaration to be chaired by renowned professor of English Language, Prof Hope Eghagha has the former governor of the state, Chief James Ibori as Special Guest of Honour, his successor, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan, Guest of Honour and Chief Mike Adiotomre, father of the day.

Following the Pan Delta disposition of Senator Amori, the declaration is expected to be graced by party leaders and eminent personalities across the state and beyond.

Chief Ighoyota Amori

Senator Amori is currently the National Chairman of the Delta Central 2023 (DC-23), a foremost political lobby group in Delta State championing the rotation of power amongst the three senatorial districts of the state.

Chief Ighoyota Amori

He was the founding Publicity Secretary of the PDP in Delta State and Political Adviser to three former National Chairmen of the party.

Amori has also held several positions including Delta State Commissioner for Education during which three polytechnics were established in the state, that of Water Resources and Political Adviser to former governors Ibori and Uduaghan.

Ighoyota Amori

The Mosogar born political tactician and strategist is renowned for his mobilisation of the PDP to victory since 1999 in Delta state.

We are comfortable with Edevbie as Governor – Delta North PDP Chieftains

David Edevbie


Chieftains of the Peoples Democratic Party in Delta North have said they are comfortable with David Edevbie succeeding Senator Dr Ifeanyi Okowa as the Governor of Delta State.

The leaders made the declarations on different occasions during Edevbie’s consultation visits to party faithfuls in Local Government Areas in Delta North Senatorial District.

Their declarations debunk the lies and propaganda by persons they described as mischief makers deceiving the people that Edevbie is unacceptable to Governor Okowa and Delta North despite his wide recognition and acceptance as the best qualified to fly the PDP flag for the Delta 2023 Governorship election.

Speaking in Ika North East, Governor Okowa’s Local Government Area, the chairman of the PDP, Chief Chuks Agbomah in company with the leader of the Local Council Legislative Arm, Hon. Roland Okwuokenye and Chairman of Wards Chairmen, Mr Abel Njosi, said it is not true that Ika or the larger Anioma people have any issues with David Edevbie.

He declared that if they were to vote immediately, they will vote for him in recognition of his capacity, his continued meritorious service to the state over the years and his friendship with Anioma people and especially with their son, Governor Ifeanyi Okowa.

David Edevbie

“If it were possible for us to vote here and now, you would have won because of your track records and pedigree. Disregard any propaganda because nobody has told us not to vote for you,” Agbomah said.

Similarly, Aniocha South PDP Chairman, Hon (Prince) Mike Okwufukuleze, said the people are convinced that Edevbie is the best for Delta.

“Money or no money, the people are happy with Edevbie. He knows and has all it takes to govern Delta State. Olorogun David Edevbie is a system man that knows it all. His CV and experience are intimidating. Above all, he has demonstrated deep knowledge of the terrain of our communities which leaves no one in doubt about his sincerity and we know he has the capacity to deliver.”

He prayed God to direct the leaders of the PDP, especially Governor Ifeanyi Okowa and Chief James Ibori to ensure the emergence of Edevbie, stating that it is in the best interest of the development and future of the state.

“God Almighty, let Governor Okowa favour Edevbie in this race to Government House Asaba in 2023,” Okwufukueze prayed.

Also speaking in Ossissa, Ndokwa East, the PDP Chairman, Chief Vincent Osilonya, said he and his people have no doubt about Edevbie’s capability to lead the state to greater progress.

“We have no doubt that Olorogun David Edevbie has the qualification and experience to deliver on the job and bring more development to our people.”

Another chieftan of the PDP in Ndokwa Federal Constituency, Chief Godwin Ossai, called on Delta communities to repose confidence in Edevbie to not only perform but to treat all districts and ethnic groups equally and fairly.

“Olorogun David Edevbie is a sincere, easily accessible and prolific administrator with a tremendous capacity to work. He is a man of integrity, down-to-earth and extremely detribalised and we know that he means to do the things he has promised to do to modernise and industrialise our state for the benefit of everybody.”

While appreciating the warm and carnival-like reception in Ika North East, Olorogun Edevbie promised to build on the legacies of Governor Okowa, assuring that nobody nor group would be left out in the scheme of things when he becomes Governor of Delta State.

Thanking Governor Okowa for appointing him twice into his Cabinet as Commissioner and Chief of Staff and for impacting him as senior colleague under the Ibori administration, he maintained that Okowa is his boss and leader to whom he remains indebted.

He dismissed talks about Okowa not supporting him as mere propaganda and mischievous handiwork of some aspirants who are scared of his wide acceptance.

“Governor Okowa remains my boss and leader. He impacted greatly on me as a senior colleague under Chief Ibori. I believe he appointed me as his Commissioner of Finance and Chief of Staff because he trusted my ability to deliver and unalloyed loyalty.

“With every sense of sincerity, there is no problem between the Governor and I. I know he respects merit and I also know he will support me to win. Anything you hear on the contrary is mere propaganda by mischief makers.”

David Edevbie

Speaking on his development plans for Delta North, Edevbie said his vision is to industrialise the five critical points of the district through the activation of Asaba Industrial Estate and Kwale Gas Industrial Park, the establishment of industrial hubs in Ebedei and Logistics hub at Umunede/Emuhu, and the construction of a coastal road network from Asaba to Oko and Abar-Unor and through the comminites along Ase Creek to Patani to connect and spark a greater wave of business and commercial activities in the riverine areas.

Buni, Pocket-filling Black Legs In Corridors Of Power Tried To Supplant President’s Will-Akeredolu

By Oluwarotimi Akeredolu

Except a few ‘Yahoo, Yahoo Govs’ apologies to Former PGF DG, most of us are resolute behind Bello to salvage the party

*no black market judicial procurement can stop convention.

With nostalgia, one can recall the moments of our struggle as compatriots from all walks of life enunciated and berthed Nigeria’s most ingeniously successful political network. Without being immodest, APC’s birth was a novel instance. The party’s philosophical beacon woven around its ideological leaning was alluring.

Undoubtedly, the firm leadership, candour and honesty exemplified by Mr President who heads the administration that is the product of the APC deserve no less of support and complimentary responsibilities from all stakeholders.

The installation of the Caretaker and Extraordinary Convention Planning Committee (CECPC) of the APC was beyond a call to service. It was a child of necessity moulded to one, instill discipline in leadership and engender coherence among stakeholders and more importantly, to deepen the Rule of Law in our party.

However, the insidious and appalling happenings within our party in the last few months, especially under the immediate-past leadership clearly posit a huge embarrassment. Without necessarily dwelling on details that are known to critical stakeholders, the path taken lately by Governor Mai Mala Buni, the immediate past head of the CECPC and an indivisible few, is a unenviable trajectory undeserving of our dear party. It is a disdainful narrative.

Nevertheless, the courage and determination as well as shrewd sincerity of purpose demonstrated by most of the APC Governors remain a delight. Significantly, the swift response and prompt action taken by Mr President have, in no small means, salvaged our great party from internal scavengers. We indeed, survived a Civilian Coup largely inspired by mischief and incurable lust for power through artificial barricades.

Succinctly, aside feeling very delighted as a major stakeholder in the latest successful Rescue Mission, I express my confidence in the ability and capacity of Governor Sanni Bello(ABU LOLO) to take APC through. We, the Governors are for the party except for the few “Yahoo, Yahoo” Governors (apologies to Salihu, former DG of the Progressive Governors’ Forum) who were hand in glove with Buni to circumvent the Will of majority of our Party (APC) members. Progressive Governors in the true name, mostly all of us, are determined to see our Party through these patchy parts at all cost.

None of the scanty number has the guts to carry out their imaginary threats as reported in sponsored stories. We dare them to leave the party. Their short-lived antics in armtwisting Governor Buni and probably, some pocketfilling elements within the corridors of power to supplant the President’s will through fake letters, endorsements as well as ‘Black Market’ injunction (procured since November, 2021) are despicable.

Now that the clear motive aimed at frustrating our national convention as been botched, our dear party is on the track to greatness. Gov. Sanni Bello, ABU LOLO, carry on; you have the backing of the majority of us. You shall see our FULL backing come Thursday, 17th March, 2022 at the National Executive Committee meeting.

But as you know, this is ONLY for the conduct of the NATIONAL CONVENTION.


Arakunrin Oluwarotimi O. Akeredolu, SAN
Governor, Ondo State

March 10, 2022

Oluwa-Bamise’s Murder: Reps calls on police to fast-track investigation … as Elumelu bemoans incessant ritual killings of women

The House of Representatives has called on the Nigerian Police Force through the Federal Government of Nigeria to fast-track the investigation of the gruesome murder of Oluwa-Bamise Ayanmola.

Ndudi Elumelu, calls on police to fast-track investigation

The corpse of the 22 years lady was found on Carter Bridge at ogogoro Community in lagos Island nine days after being declared missing by her family with some vital parts missing.

The Reps decision was the outcome of a passionate motion moved by the Minority Leader of the House, Rt. Hon. Ndudi Elumelu on Wednesday plenary presided over by the Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Idris Wase.

In his motion titled, “RAMPANT CASES OF VIOLENCE, INCESSANT RAPE AND RITUAL KILLING OF OUR WOMEN FOLKS: A CALL FOR URGENT INTERVENTION”, seconded by Rt. Hon. Nkeiruka Onyeajeocha, Elumelu expressed serious concerns on the rising cases of violence, incessant rape and ritual killing of female Nigerians by criminally minded persons in various parts of the country, saying that it remains alarming and worrisome, hence the need for urgent intervention.

Elumelu who represents Aniocha/Oshimili Federal Constituency in the House, further noted that these incessant attacks are hindering national productivity as it is occurring amongst people in the productive age group who are having to deal with the negative physical and psychological consequences of the vice.

While lamenting how many of such cases are underreported due to the stigma attached to victims of gender-based violence, Elumelu expressed further concern that if the requisite sensitization is not taken, young ladies will continue to fall victim to such monstrous attacks.

He advocated for the continuous reviews of the existing policies and laws on gender based violence that accommodates the best practices and strategies and said that it would help in no small measure in nipping the scourge in the bud and reduce future occurrences.

He therefore, called on the Federal government, through the Nigerian police to fast-track the investigation to ensure the deceased and her family gets justice and prayed that the relevant Committees of the House should ensure compliance to serve as a deterrent to other would-be assailants of innocent ladies, even as he called for a minute silence in honour of late Miss Oluwabamise Ayanwola.

The Motion was unanimously voted on and adopted as a working document.

Edevbie felicitates with Obi of Owa

Olorogun David Edevbie has expressed his felicitations with the Obi of Owa and immediate past Chairman of the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers, His Royal Majesty, Obi (Dr) Emmanual Efeizomor II, as the revered monarch marks his 84th birthday anniversary.

In a statement by Fred Edoreh, Head of Strategic Communications of the David Edevbie Campaign Organisation, the frontline Peoples Democratic Party aspirant for the Governorship of Delta State extolled the Obi for his fatherly guide over not just his Owa people but also for his commitment and contributions to the unity, peace and development of Delta State.

“I felicitate with our revered monarch, Obi (Dr) Emmanuel Efeizomor II, the Obi of Owa, and entire sons and daughters of Owa Kingdom on this occasion of his 84th birthday,” the statement read.

“Obi Efeizomor has not only continued to lead his people in peace and progress but have also demonstrated unreserved and exemplary commitment to the unity and development of the entire state, before, during and even after his tenure as the Chairman of the Delta State Council of Traditional Rulers.

“On behalf of myself and my entire family, I sincerely wish Your Majesty continued good health, renewed strength and sustained peace and prosperity in Owa Kingdom.”



by Austin EMADUKU

I have been reading and enjoying legal arguments concerning the decision of an Abuja Federal High Court that sacked the Governor of Ebonyi State and his Deputy. I always enjoy reading such legal fireworks on social mediaa anytimelandmark judgements are delivered.



The ones that are often more disputed are what can be termed “the political judgements” and like everything political, most of these legal arguments, even from a layman point of view, can be seen to be emotitive, but quite a good number are very cerebral and makes for interesting reading.



You will not often find lawyers file out in large numbers to offer pro-bono legal arguments – for or against – when the courts decide on crucial fundamental human rights issues that affect the common man, except where such cases have underlying political undertones. That is a matter for another day and perhaps why one should study law.


Back to my love for the law. Apart from my natural inclination towards everything fair and equitable, my interest in law was triggered by my study of Jurisprudence or the Philosophy of Law – that “branch of philosophy that examines the nature of law and law’s relationship to other systems of norms, especially ethics and political philosophy” – as a full session core course during my undergraduate days as a student of philosophy. It was additional delight to find the law intristicly interwoven with logic, another favourite core course. From Socrates to Jeremy Bentham to Lord Dennings and to Justice Oputa of blessed memory, the law tasks and stimulates the intellect.



Logic as a tool of inquiry thrills me. Deductive reasoning is wao. It is for this reason that I enjoy reading legal arguments. I especially love the way Jugdes meticulously distill arguments presented by parties in a case to arrive at their judgements. The way and manner legal opinions are researched and logically derived, thrills me.



The judge is not just an interpreter of the law but he is also a logician, moralist, lawmaker and philosopher combined. What about lawyers that regale you with wit and intellect?



The law is in indeed ERUDITE!


Now what was it that set me on the path of day dreaming law? It is the legal opinion ofJibril Sam Okutepa SAN in the present matter – particularly the following excerpts: “Clearly from the reading of the entire Nigerian Constitution, it is submitted with respect, that while one must celebrate the jurisprudential logic and reasoning in the judgement under review, which is thought provoking and accords with moral demands to see that our democracy is well nurtured and follow best international practices and standards, such logic and reasoning cannot be situated within any known cannons of interpretation.”


Alas! The law is an ass but it is a sweet ass to ride.




Austin EMADUKU wrote from Warri, Delta State, Nigeria.

House of Reps Resolve To Investigate Alleged Fraud, Illegalities At FERMA As Elumelu Moves Motion

Ndudi Elumelu

The House of Representatives on Tuesday unanimously resolved to investigate the alleged monumental fraud and illegalities going on at the Federal Road Maintenance Agency of Nigeria, FERMA.


The House resolution was sequel to a motion moved by the Minority Leader of the House, Rt. Hon. Ndudi Elumelu at the plenary presided over by the Deputy Speaker, Rt. Hon. Idris Wase.

Ndudi Elumelu

Moving the motion which was seconded by Rt. Hon. Samuel Babatunde Adejare, Elumelu noted that FERMA was established in 2002 with the mandate to efficiently and effectively monitor as well as the maintenance of all federal roads in Nigeria with an objective of keeping all the roads in good and safe condition at all time, under the supervision of the ministry of works.


He however expressed dismay that despite billions of naira being voted to FERMA yearly for purposes of road maintenance, federal roads across the country are nothing to write home about as most of them have become death traps, killing hundreds of Nigerians yearly as a result of poor conditions of the roads.

Ndudi Elumelu

While stressing the critical role of FERMA to the wellbeing of the people in the area of ameliorate the sufferings of road users in the Country, Rt. Hon. Ndudi Elumelu drew the attention of the House to the alleged serious corrupt practices by the management of the Federal Agency.


“Disturbed that the corrupt practices includes high handedness by the leadership of the agency, over inflation of contracts, award of non- existent contracts, massive splitting of jobs and flagrant disregard for procurement laws in the award of contracts and in most cases refusal to implement the budget in full thereby doing selective implementation of the budget.

Ndudi Elumelu

“Further disturbed that there are allegations of intentional delays in awarding contracts for road repairs and construction several months after bidding had been completed and successful bidders have emerged thereby compounding problems for Nigeria road users and sabotaging the effort of the government.


“Worried that most of these contracts are alleged to have been cornered by the management for themselves and their cronies who abandon the site after collecting a reasonable percentage of advance payment of contract sum.

Ndudi Elumelu

“Further worried that if these spate of unbridled pilfrey by top government officials is allowed to fester and unchecked it will not only drain the national purse but discredit the perceived fight against corruption by this government in the eyes of the international community, hence the need for this motion,” Elumelu stated in the motion.


Consequent upon the resolution, the House constituted an adhoc committee to investigate the activities of FERMA from 2019 till date and report back to the house within a period of 6 weeks.