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I’m Natasha, the CEO of Sunnyville Enterprises, a successful businesswoman with a warm and jovial personality. At 38, I’ve achieved professional success, but my personal life is a different story. My chubby physique and advancing age have led to rejection and disappointment in my quest for love and marriage. As I approach 40, the pressure to settle down and start a family weighs heavily on my mind.

One afternoon, during my lunch break, I stepped out to grab a bite at a nearby café. As I savored my meal, my former employee, Rachel, who I had fired for embezzling funds from my company, stormed in. Her eyes blazed with malice as she began to taunt me, her venomous words piercing my soul. “Look at you, Natasha, almost 40 and still single! You’re a failure in every aspect of your life!” she sneered. I remained silent, my smile masking the pain her cruel words inflicted.

Unbeknownst to me, a young artist, Jidenna, 27, had been observing the scene unfold. He was struck by my resilience and grace in the face of adversity. Inspired, he quickly sketched me on paper, capturing the essence of my painful smile. As Rachel departed, Jidenna discreetly handed the drawing to a waitress, instructing her to deliver it to me.

Moments later, the waitress approached me, holding out the sketch. “Someone wanted you to have this,” she said with a smile. I unfolded the paper, and my eyes widened as I took in the stunning likeness of myself. Beneath the drawing, Jidenna had penned, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Don’t let anyone steal your happiness from you.” Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as I scanned the café, hoping to catch a glimpse of my mysterious benefactor. Alas, he had vanished, leaving behind only his poignant artwork and a renewed sense of hope within me.

As I gazed at the drawing, a sense of wonder washed over me. The simple yet powerful gesture had disarmed me, reminding me that kindness still existed in a world that often seemed too cruel. I felt a weight lift off my shoulders, as if Jidenna’s words had somehow absolved me of the shame and self-doubt that had been plaguing me.

With renewed energy, I finished my lunch and returned to the office, the drawing safely tucked away in my bag. The rest of the day flew by in a blur, my focus sharpened by the unexpected encounter. I tackled challenges with a fresh perspective, my confidence boosted by the knowledge that someone out there believed in me.

As the sun set over the city, I found myself pondering the mystery of Jidenna’s identity. Who was this young artist who had seen beyond my façade and touched my heart? I longed to thank him, to tell him how his gesture had impacted me. But he had vanished without a trace, leaving me with only the drawing and my imagination.

Days turned into weeks, and the memory of Jidenna’s kindness lingered, a reminder of the power of human connection. I began to approach my life with a renewed sense of purpose, my relationships with others deepening as I learned to appreciate the beauty in small gestures. And though I never forgot the young artist who had touched my heart, I realized that his true gift lay not in the drawing itself but in the courage he had inspired within me.

As I wandered through the supermarket aisles, lost in thought, my gaze scanning the shelves for the perfect ingredients, I was unaware of the surprise that awaited me. Jidenna, the mysterious artist, had also entered the store, his eyes locking onto mine with a spark of recognition. Before I could even register his presence, he had swiftly sketched me once more, capturing the essence of my being with his deft strokes.

This time, he added a romantic message, his words dripping with sincerity: “Hi, charming Natasha, fate has brought us together again. Your smile has brightened my days, and your strength has inspired me. I long to know the beauty behind your eyes, to explore the depths of your heart. May our paths continue to cross, may our connection grow stronger.”

As I reached for a jar of sauce, a gentle tap on my shoulder broke my concentration. A store employee, holding out the drawing, smiled kindly. “A guy asked me to give this to you, ma’am.” My heart skipped a beat as I unfolded the paper, my eyes drinking in the tender words and the stunning likeness of myself.

My soul soared with excitement, my mind racing with the possibility of finally meeting this enigmatic stranger. I turned to the employee, my voice barely containing my eagerness. “Where is he? The guy who gave you this?” She gestured towards the entrance, “He just stepped outside, ma’am.” I hastily abandoned my shopping cart, my feet carrying me swiftly towards the exit, my heart pounding with anticipation.

But as I burst through the doors, scanning the crowded parking lot, my eyes searched in vain for a glimpse of Jidenna’s familiar smile. He had vanished once more, leaving behind only the drawing, his words, and the promise of a connection that seemed destined to flourish. My heart still raced, my spirit lifted by the knowledge that our paths would cross again, that our story was far from over.

Few Days Later…

As I sat at my desk, immersed in the routine of another busy day at the office, the sudden arrival of a delivery guy broke the monotony. He handed me a sleek, black frame, adorned with a beautiful drawing that took my breath away. My eyes widened as I opened it, revealing the intricate artwork that seemed to pulse with life.

My heart skipped a beat as I read the words that accompanied the drawing, penned in a handwriting that was both familiar and endearing. “I wish I were a little bit closer to your age,” Jidenna’s message began, “I would love to give you the love you need. I’m only 27.” My smile grew wider as I gazed at the drawing, my eyes drinking in the beauty of the woman he had captured on paper.

For a moment, I forgot about the age gap, the doubts, and the fears that had held me back. All that mattered was the sincerity in his words, the longing in his eyes, and the way he made me feel seen and appreciated. I felt like a work of art, cherished and admired, my beauty finally recognized by someone who truly mattered.

As I turned to the delivery guy, my eyes sparkling with excitement, I asked the question that had become a constant refrain in my mind: “Who is this guy? How did he know where to find me?” But the delivery guy simply shrugged, his expression apologetic. “He didn’t say, ma’am. He just asked me to deliver this to your office.”

My mind raced with possibilities as I gazed at the drawing, my thoughts whirling with the implications of Jidenna’s words. How did he know my office address? Had he been following me, learning more about me, watching me from afar? The thought sent a shiver down my spine, but it wasn’t fear that I felt – it was anticipation.

I couldn’t help but wonder what would happen if I were to let my guard down, to allow Jidenna to get closer, to see if our connection was strong enough to bridge the gap between our ages.

My heart raced at the prospect, my soul urging me to take a chance, to see where this journey would lead. And as I sat there, surrounded by the familiar comforts of my office, I knew that I couldn’t ignore the call of my heart, the whisper of a love that seemed to be waiting just beyond the horizon.

Four days had passed, and my mind was still reeling from the impact of Jidenna’s drawings and words. I found myself lost in thought, reliving the moments when I first saw his artwork, his messages, and the way he made me feel. My days became a blur of nostalgia, my heart skipping beats as I recalled the beauty of his creations.

My colleagues and friends began to notice the change in me, the way I would suddenly smile for no apparent reason, my eyes sparkling with a joy that couldn’t be contained. They would ask, curious about the source of my happiness, but I would simply smile and shrug, unable to share the secret of Jidenna’s drawings and the way they made me feel.

As the days went by, my longing to meet Jidenna grew stronger. I found myself wondering if he would ever reach out again, if our paths would cross in a more meaningful way. And so, I decided to take a chance, to visit the cafe where our story first began, hoping against hope that he might be there, waiting for me.

I sat at the same table, sipping my coffee, my eyes scanning the room. But as the hours ticked by, my excitement gave way to disappointment. There was no sign of Jidenna, no new drawings, no messages. I left the cafe that day with a heavy heart, my hopes dashed against the rocks of reality.

As I walked home, the city streets seemed dull and gray, the world around me lacking the vibrancy that Jidenna’s artwork had brought to my life. I couldn’t help but wonder if I had been foolish to hope, to dream that our connection could be more than just a fleeting moment of beauty. But even in disappointment, my heart refused to let go of the memories, the drawings, and the words that had captured my soul.

The next morning, as I settled into my office routine, a familiar sight caught my attention – a delivery guy came in with a mysterious package that seemed to hold secrets and promises. My heart skipped a beat as I accepted the box, my mind racing with possibilities, my thoughts whirling with the potential implications of this unexpected delivery.

With trembling hands, I opened the box, revealing a stunning flower that seemed to symbolize hope and renewal, its delicate petals a testament to the beauty of life. And then, my eyes landed on a note, its words penned in a handwriting that had become all too familiar, yet still managed to send shivers down my spine.

“Do you miss me?” Jidenna’s message read, his words piercing my soul like a gentle breeze on a summer day, the simplicity of the question belied by the depth of emotion it evoked. Before I could even process my response, I found myself exclaiming, “Yes, I do!” – the words tumbling out of my lips like a confession, a surrender to the emotions that had been building inside me.

Quickly regaining my composure, I continued reading, my eyes devouring every word, every phrase, every sentence that Jidenna had written. In the next paragraph, he revealed a location near my office, instructing me to drop off the “pepper” (a clever code, I presumed) if I indeed missed him. My heart raced with excitement as I grasped the implication – he wanted to meet me, to reconnect in a way that went beyond mere messages and drawings.

The location he specified was a small, quaint shop nearby, its unassuming exterior belied by the thrill that awaited me within. I entered the shop, my eyes scanning the shelves until I spotted the designated spot, my heart pounding in my chest like a drum. With a sense of trepidation and anticipation, I deposited the “pepper” (a small, elegant box, it turned out) and made my way back to the office, my mind reeling with the possibilities that lay ahead.

What would happen next? Only time would tell, but one thing was certain – my life was about to change in ways I never thought possible. The encounter, the drawing, the messages – all had been leading up to this moment, this chance to connect with someone who saw me, truly saw me, in a way that few others ever had. And as I returned to my office, my heart still racing with excitement, I knew that I was ready, ready to embrace whatever lay ahead, ready to see where this journey would take me.

Two days later, my heart was still racing from the excitement of our last encounter when another delivery guy appeared at my office, a white pepper in hand. I opened it with trembling fingers, my eyes widening as I read the message inside. Jidenna was asking me out on a date! My soul soared as I read the address and his instructions – if I could make it that night, I should leave the pepper in the same spot as before, but if I couldn’t, I should hold onto it, a symbol of our connection.

I was over the moon with excitement, my happiness bubbling over like a fountain. I quickly rushed out to deposit the pepper, my heart skipping beats in anticipation of our evening together. And then, at 7 pm, I made my way to the address he had given me, my nerves tingling with expectation.

As I sat down at a table, I didn’t notice him at first, my eyes scanning the room for a glimpse of a man’s smile. But then, suddenly, he was there, standing in front of me, his eyes locking onto mine with a intensity that left me breathless. I felt like I was drowning in their depths, my soul surrendering to the connection we shared.

He sat down across from me, our eyes never leaving each other’s, the air between us thick with tension. “Hi,” he said, his voice low and husky, sending shivers down my spine. “Fine evening.” I was lost, my words caught in my throat as I gazed at him, my heart pounding in my chest.

“You’re the artist,” I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. “Jidenna.” His name felt like a prayer on my lips, a benediction that sealed our fate together.

The silence that followed was palpable, our eyes speaking a language that transcended words. We sat there, suspended in time, our souls entwined in a dance that only we could see. And then, without thinking, I reached out, my hand brushing against his, the touch sending sparks through my entire being.

“I’ve been waiting for this moment,” he whispered, his eyes burning with intensity. “I’ve been waiting for you.” My heart melted at his words, my soul soaring on the wings of our connection.

We sat there, hands touching, eyes locked, our hearts beating as one, the world around us fading into insignificance.

After a night filled with laughter, conversation, and a deepening connection, we reluctantly parted ways, each of us returning to our own homes. But as I lay in bed, my mind refused to let go of the memories we had created together. I couldn’t stop smiling to myself, reliving the moments we had shared, my heart still soaring from the thrill of our encounter.

Just as I was drifting off to sleep, my phone rang, piercing the silence of the night. I knew it was him, and my heart skipped a beat as I answered, my voice barely above a whisper. “Hello?”

“Hey, just wanted to make sure you got home safely,” he said, his voice low and gentle, filled with a concern that melted my heart. I felt cared for, loved, and appreciated in a way I never had before.

“Yes, I’m home,” I replied, my voice filled with a warmth that mirrored his own. We talked and laughed some more, the conversation flowing effortlessly, until finally, we both paused, reluctant to end the call.

But neither of us could hang up, hoping to hear something more, something that would seal our connection forever. And then, he asked, his voice hesitant, “Are you still there?”

“Yes,” I replied, my heart pounding in anticipation.

“Waiting for what?” he asked, his tone playful.

“I’m waiting to hear that thing you want to say,” I replied, my voice barely above a whisper.

We both laughed, the tension building, until finally, he spoke the words that would change everything. “I don’t know if it’s the right time to say or if it’s too early, but I want to tell you that I love you.”

My heart soared, my smile illuminating the darkness of my room. “No, it doesn’t matter,” I replied, my voice filled with emotion. “I love you too.”

We laughed again, the joy and happiness we shared in that moment impossible to contain. And with that, we ended the call, our hearts full, our souls connected in a way that only love can achieve.

The next day, Jidenna found himself utterly unable to focus on his work, his mind consumed by thoughts of me. His pencils and sketchbook became his solace, as he furiously drew image after image of my smiling face, my laughing eyes, my radiant beauty. His colleagues noticed the change in him, one of his closest friends teasing him good-naturedly as he stood by his side. “Lover boy, eh? Still falling hard, I see!”

Jidenna’s response was a sheepish grin, his eyes never leaving his paper as he continued to draw. “I’m too old for him,” he muttered, shaking his head in disbelief, yet his heart refused to listen. His friend chuckled knowingly, patting him on the back. “She’ll be serving you breakfast in bed soon enough, mark my words!”

Meanwhile, I was faring no better at my own office, my usual composure replaced by a goofy grin that seemed to plaster itself on my face without warning.

My coworkers exchanged curious glances, wondering what had brought about this sudden change in their normally reserved boss. Even I couldn’t explain it, my mind whirling with thoughts of Jidenna’s charming smile, his bright eyes, his gentle touch.

As the afternoon sun began to wane, I found myself reaching for my phone, my fingers dialing Jidenna’s number without conscious thought. He answered on the first ring, his voice warm and reassuring. “Hey, beautiful. How’s your day going?”

We talked for hours, our conversations flowing effortlessly, our laughter intertwining like the threads of a tapestry. And when we finally hung up, I felt a sense of peace settle over me, knowing that our connection was real, that our love was growing with each passing moment.

As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, our love continued to flourish, but the challenges of a relationship began to manifest. Jidenna’s friends, who had initially been supportive of our connection, started to worry about his increasingly singular focus on me. “Dude, you need to snap out of it,” they’d say, as he spent hours sketching me, thinking about me, and talking to me. “You’re neglecting your work, your hobbies, your life!”

Jidenna would brush off their concerns, but deep down, he knew they were right. His art was suffering, his deadlines were being pushed back, and his usually vibrant personality was becoming dull and one-dimensional. I, too, was experiencing my own set of problems. My workers were starting to feel neglected, my projects were piling up, and my investors were growing restless.

We tried to make time for each other, but our schedules were increasingly conflicting. Jidenna would plan a surprise visit to my office, only to find me in a meeting or on a deadline. I would promise to attend his art exhibitions, but end up stuck in traffic or dealing with an emergency. The distance between us began to feel like an insurmountable obstacle, our conversations becoming strained and superficial.

We started to wonder if our love was strong enough to overcome the practicalities of life. Jidenna felt like he was losing himself in me, like he was disappearing into the vortex of our relationship. I felt like I was suffocating under the pressure of my responsibilities, like I was drowning in a sea of expectations. We both felt like we were losing our sense of identity, our individuality, our very selves.

And yet, despite the struggles, despite the doubts, despite the fears, our love remained a constant, a beacon of hope in the darkness.

We knew that we needed to find a way to make it work, to reconcile our love with our lives, to merge our passions with our responsibilities.

Two days later…

I received an invitation from Jidenna to meet him at his studio that afternoon. I arrived, expecting to see him working on a new art piece or perhaps a surprise for me. But what I saw made my heart shatter into a million pieces.

Jidenna was holding another woman, kissing her with passion and intensity. I felt like I had been punched in the gut, my breath knocked out of me. I called out to him, my voice shaking with tears, but he just laughed, a sound that pierced my soul like a dagger.

His friends laughing like they knew I was coming.

I couldn’t bear the sight any longer. I turned and ran, tears streaming down my face like a river. I couldn’t stop crying, couldn’t catch my breath. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of despair, like the world had come crashing down around me.

The next day, Jidenna’s calls flooded my phone, each ring a reminder of the pain and heartache he had caused. He left message after message, his voice laced with concern and confusion. “Hey, what’s going on? Why aren’t you answering my calls? Is everything okay?”

But I remained silent, my heart still reeling from the shock of what I had seen. I couldn’t bear the thought of talking to him, of hearing his voice, of reliving the betrayal. So I let the calls go to voicemail, let the messages pile up, let the silence speak for itself.

But Jidenna refused to give up. He kept calling, kept texting, kept trying to reach me, to understand what had gone wrong. “Did I do something wrong?” he asked, his voice cracking with worry. “Did I hurt you somehow? Please, just talk to me, let me know what’s going on.”

His words were laced with desperation, with a sense of urgency that only made me more determined to stay silent. I didn’t want to hear his excuses, his justifications, his empty promises. I didn’t want to relive the pain, the heartache, the betrayal. So I remained silent, my heart locked away, my emotions hidden behind a mask of stone.

As Jidenna continued to try to reach me, his friends couldn’t help but mock him. “Haha, looks like you’re getting served breakfast, buddy!” they teased, their laughter echoing in his ears. “We told you, we told you, she’s got your number!”

Jidenna tried to ignore them, but their jokes and snickers only made him more frustrated. “Guys, come on, I’m serious. Something’s wrong, and I need to talk to her.”

But his friends just wouldn’t let up. “Oh, sure, sure, you’re really concerned about her. That’s why you’re calling her nonstop, right?” they sneered, their sarcasm thick and heavy.

Jidenna’s face grew hot with embarrassment and anger. He knew his friends were just trying to get a rise out of him, but their words stung nonetheless. Finally, he’d had enough. “You know what? Forget it. I’m out of here,” he said, storming out of the room, leaving his friends’ mocking laughter behind.

He went home, feeling defeated and humiliated. Why was I ignoring him? What had he done wrong? The questions swirled in his head like a vortex, driving him crazy with worry and uncertainty.

(Part 5)

The next morning, Jidenna appeared at my office, determined to uncover the reason behind my silence. As he approached my desk, my expression transformed, my eyes flashing with a mix of anger and hurt. “What do you want, Jidenna?” I asked curtly, my voice devoid of warmth.

“Hey, baby,” he said, his tone soft and endearing, but I wasn’t having it.

“What are you doing here, Jidenna?” I pressed, my words firm and unyielding.

“I came to find out what’s wrong,” he replied, his eyes searching mine for a glimmer of understanding. “What did I do to upset you?”

I laughed, a harsh, mocking sound. “You really don’t remember, do you?” I sneered. “You don’t recall what I saw at your studio yesterday?”

Jidenna’s face went blank, confusion etched on his features. “What are you talking about?” he asked, his voice laced with innocence.

My anger boiled over. “Don’t play dumb, Jidenna!” I snapped. “I saw you kissing that woman, that…that…thing! You were all over her, and you have the nerve to come here and act like nothing’s wrong?”

Jidenna’s eyes widened in shock, his face pale. “No, no, no,” he protested, his voice rising. “That’s not what happened, I swear. I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

But I wasn’t listening. “Get out,” I spat, my voice venomous. “Get out of my office, and never come back. You’re dead to me, Jidenna.”

He tried to plead, to explain, but I wouldn’t hear it. I called security, and they escorted him out, his protests echoing down the hallway as he was forcibly removed from my presence. And with that, our relationship was over, reduced to ashes and dust.

As the security guard firmly ushered him out of the office building, Jidenna’s face burned with shame and embarrassment. He trudged back to his studio, his feet heavy with the weight of his own confusion. How could I accuse him of such a thing? He couldn’t recall any incident that would warrant such anger and hurt.

Upon arriving at the studio, he relayed the entire encounter to his friends, hoping they could offer some insight or support. But instead, they exchanged knowing glances and burst out laughing. “Dude, you really don’t remember, do you?” one of them teased, chuckling.

Jidenna’s frustration mounted as his friends continued to mock him. “Guys, come on, this isn’t funny. I’m serious, I don’t know what she’s talking about.”

But their laughter only grew louder, their jokes more biting. “Looks like someone’s got a case of selective amnesia!” another friend quipped, guffawing.

Jidenna’s face reddened as he tried to defend himself, but their words stung too deeply. He felt like he was drowning in a sea of embarrassment and shame. His friends’ relentless teasing finally drove him to leave the studio, unable to bear their mocking gaze any longer.

As he wandered the streets, his mind reeled with questions. What had he done? Why couldn’t he remember? The uncertainty gnawed at him like a festering wound. His creative spark, usually so vibrant and alive, was now extinguished, leaving him feeling lost and useless. He couldn’t draw, couldn’t think, couldn’t escape the crushing weight of his own confusion.

Days later…

Jidenna had been trying to make amends, showing up at my doorstep multiple times, hoping to apologize and explain himself. But I was still hurting from our last encounter and wasn’t ready to forgive. I chased him away each time, my resolve firm.

The last time he came, I was particularly fed up. I opened the door, and he stood there, his eyes pleading for forgiveness. But I was unmoved. I took a bucket of water and poured it over him, a symbol of my frustration and anger. “Leave me alone, Jidenna!” I shouted, my voice echoing through the neighborhood. “Don’t come near me again!”

He looked crestfallen, his clothes soaked and his dignity bruised. But I didn’t care. I slammed the door shut, leaving him standing there, a stark reminder of the consequences of his actions. Little did I know, that would be the last time I saw him.

As the days turned into a week, Jidenna’s absence from work became a growing concern. His friends, who had once mocked him, now seemed genuinely worried. They even ventured to my office, seeking any information about his whereabouts. “We haven’t seen him at home, and he hasn’t shown up at work for days,” one of them explained, their faces etched with concern.

I listened, my own worries simmering just below the surface. Despite our tumultuous encounter, I had missed Jidenna dearly. His absence had left a gaping hole in my life, and I couldn’t help but wonder if he was okay. But I couldn’t reveal my true feelings to his friends, so I simply shrugged, trying to appear nonchalant. “It’s been a while since I last saw him,” I said, my voice even.

His friends exchanged uneasy glances, their silence speaking volumes. They knew something was amiss, but they didn’t press me for details. Instead, they left my office, their faces clouded with worry.

Few days ago, one of my ex boyfriend I ran into has been been asking me to date him again. As I was grappling with my concerns about Jidenna, he came in just as jidenna friends left, his eyes shining with sincerity. “I know this may not be the right time,” he began, “but I can’t help how I feel. I love you, and I want to be with you. Will you consider dating me again?”

I was taken aback, my mind reeling with the sudden turn of events. Jidenna’s disappearance, my lingering feelings for him, and now this new proposal – it was all too much to process. I needed time to think, to sort out my emotions, but this my ex boyfriend seemed eager to sweep me off my feet. I hesitated, don’t know what to say.

What do you think she she should do?

To be continued…
Drop A 💙 Heart For Us To Continue This Story.


Ned Nwoko and Ifeanyi Okowa

The Bill of Ned Nwoko to the Senate propositioning the creation of Anioma State out of Delta did not come to some of us as a surprise. It is a latent idea domiciled in the mind of Anioma leaders and maybe a segment of Ohaneze – dating back to generations. We know they are duplicitous and double faced – but why it took Anioma this long to come out of the closet, is the question in the mind of other groups subsumed in the Delta confederation!

Prince Ned Nwoko

I went through its contents with rapt interest – it asked that on creation, the new state should be added to the existing five in the South East geopolitical zone, to make it six, as obtained in other zones of the country, aside the North West that has seven. The overzealous senator representing Delta North in the Red Chamber of the National Assembly enthusiastically gave several justifications in the demand bill – as widely circulated on the social media X, formerly Twitters.

Anioma could have long actualized the nostalgic dream of joining Igbo mainstream 61 years ago, when in the 1st Republic, the Nigerian Parliament okayed a plebiscite to excise Southern Cameroon from Nigeria – that allowed them join their people in Cameroon. In the same spirit of that plebiscite part of the Western Region was carved out to form the brand new Mid West region in 1963.

The Igbos of Delta had ample opportunity when the distinguished Zik of Africa, was not only the commanding heights of power and influence in Nigeria – but held absolute sway in the affairs of the newly independent nation. Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe with his charms and gift of the gab, was the first indigenous Governor General and first President of the new nation that emerged from the clutches of colonialism. He was swift and nothing was above his reach.


Indeed, it is said that Dr. Nnamdi Azikiwe had singlehandedly orchestrated the removal of the peoples of Bini, Estako, Ishan, Urhobo, Itsekiri, Ijaw, Igbo, Nkwani, Okpe, etc. from the strangling vice grip of the oppressive Western Region, led by Chief Obafemi Awolowo, to form the Mid West Region. Honestly, I am forever grateful to Zik for liberating my forebears from the repressive behemoth of that era.

I have seen photographs of my grandfather, Chief Fuludu Bekederemo Ogein JP, decked out in traditional regalia, about to embark on a journey from Kiagbodo town, in the heart of the old Western Ijaw Division to Ibadan, the then capital of the Western Region in 1947, to attend a conference of Chiefs. And I had wondered how the old man survived such energy sapping trips to that far flung city, outside his domain – taking into consideration the kind of roads and means of transportation that existed at the time. It is just difficult to contemplate.

I also learned that Yoruba was the only language adopted in such conferences. So, how was my grandfather able to communicate his views on issues? For he neither had a grasp of the English language nor understood a word in Yoruba. So, Zik did well in emancipating my people from internal colonialism and oppression.

Ned Nwoko

Moving away from the above digression, I remain still very puzzled over why Delta Igbo political heavyweights of the 1st Republic – men in the calibre of Chief Dennis Osadebe, Chief Philip Asiodu, Chief Raphael Nwuchie, Dr. Okonjo, et al and the mainstream Ohanieze Ndigbo, of the era, that prevailed on Zik at the time to create the Mid West, failed to impress it on him of the overriding desire of the Anioma people to join their kith and kin in the Eastern Region?

Were there underlying reasons and interest at the time that over rode Anioma’s quest to return to Zion, which non initiates and outsiders are not let into? Had they asked Zik, without breaking a sweat, he would have done it for them, proto! But they chose to remain in Mid West, and Chief Dennis Osadebe emerged as the first Premier of the new region. After the Premier of the Eastern Region, Dr. Michael Okpara, went from city to city in the new Mid West to demand gratitude for Igbo. This gave Ndigbo two premiers. They were one step ahead of other regions. It was a deft political move to create Mid West – an Igbo annex. Hence, it was the first non Igbo territory overran and occupied by Biafran Forces in 1967.

Be that as it may, Delta Igbo ignored the opportunity of 1963, but then others opened in 1991 and 1996, in the regimes of Babangida and Abacha, yet they still swept the desire under the carpet, only to come out now – when state creation is akin to passing a camel through the eye of a needle. Something definite must be fishy, as a toad never jumps in the day for nothing.

According to Sen. Nwoko, he relied on historical antecedents and other factors, in the proposal, ” Creating Anioma state is not just about increasing the number of states; it is about ensuring fair representation and resource allocation for the South-East.

Ned Nwoko

“The call for Anioma state has widespread support from various stakeholders. The Anioma socio-cultural group, Izu Anioma, and the Pan Igbo cultural organisation, Ohanaeze Indi Igbo, have both been vocal in their advocacy for this cause.

The political class in Anioma, including traditional rulers led by the late Asagba of Asaba, Obi (Prof) Chike Edozien, have also consistently supported the creation of Anioma state. They have held numerous meetings, including discussions with former President Olusegun Obasanjo, to voice their consensus.”

I have no axe to grind with Ned Nwoko for his proposal, nor grudge groups that side with him in the demand for Anioma state. I have read a lot of writings of Anioma Igbo – all bellyaching over been denied consanguineous affiliation with their brothers across the Niger – as if someone held them down. If there is anyone to blame, it is themselves. They consciously shackled themselves to peoples they consider non relatives for over a century. But why?

While elders and leaders of the old Delta Province, to which Anioma never belong, were busy preparing and submitting memorandums for the creation of Delta State from the defunct Bendel. The Aniomas who were in the Bini Province, showed little concern, but waited in ambush to hijack the new state. For reasons best known to them, they never wanted to remain with their long time allies in Edo State.

Without leaders suspecting foul play, when Delta State was eventually created – the state capital was gifted to Anioma – in Asaba, a sleepy rural town, built on a one lane road. Gen. Ibrahim Babangida, gifted the state headquarters to his wife, Maryam, as Herod gave the head of John the Baptist – on frivolous grounds. Anioma celebrates her every year for pulling that stunt at their behest.

The original Delta State capital recommended by the Elders and leaders was Warri, the heart of the new state. Anioma circumvented it with Asaba. They regularly thump their chest for the feat. Asaba is at the edge of the state, less than three minutes drive from Onitsha in Anambra. The equidistant factor was ignored.

Ned Nwoko and Ifeanyi Okowa

Did Anioma wake from the wrong side of the bed – after a bad dream and has become jittery? Does Anioma see the odds not panning in its favour and has become worried of its future in the State? Gov. Sheriff Oborevwori will serve 4 years – luck being on his side, would go for another term.

After which it would be the turn of Delta South for another two terms. Put together Delta North would be in the cooler for 16 years. Those in the vanguard of the Anioma state creation can’t wait. Add to that is the clannishness, nepotism and general maladministration of Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa. Anioma is afraid that the governorship would never come back to them again. They think the Core Delta might keep it permanently, and rotated between the two zones – with Delta North left in the lush.

No one would grudge Delta Central and South if they choose to keep the governor’s seat. Anioma goofed while their son was in power. They encouraged Ifeanyi Okowa to tread the path of arrogance, selfishness and wickedness against the none Ibos. The Owa Alero high priest tenure were years of the locusts for the people of Delta Central and South.

Cataloguing Dr. Okowa’s ill treatment and denial of provisions to both zones would consume barrels of ink. For 8 years, revenue accrual to the state averaged N5 trillion. Apart from Asaba and Delta North, the governor never bothered about other areas. Warri in the South district received no attention from the governor, so did other places in the South and Central. Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa could not give credible explanations to how he spent all that money, when Chief Edwin Kiagbodo Clark CON, questioned his character.

Anioma hailed Ifeanyi Okowa, some even cast him in the image of Moscow’s Royal Tsar – Russian dynasty of potentates ousted in the Bolsheviks Revolution of October 1917. They rolled out drums to let it be known, that Dr. Okowa one of their stock would be the next helmsman of Nigeria, after Alhaji Atiku Abubakir’s presidency. But wishes are no horses. Many of the lachrymose praise singers are now walking with their heads bowed in shame. Power is transient – it resides with no one forever.

The height of any spite or insult is when a pretentious and fawning neighbour invites you to your own dinner table to share your meal – in the course of eating consciously pours spittle on your face and condescendingly laughs at your simplicity.

That is what Sen. Ned Nwoko and his Anioma Igbo co – travellers, chorusing hymnals of exodus to the promise land, depict. The feast in Delta seems to be over, lush vegetations now abound across the Niger. The Core Delta won’t mind if her pretentious, sneaky and double faced housemate chooses to exit. There won’t be love lost.

Ned Nwoko boasted of Anioma being a reservoir of crude oil, an asset they intend taking with them to the new found land. But, really, all the oil in Anioma don’t amount to 45,000 barrels per day in production. Only the Forcados/Ogulagha Terminal in Burutu LGA, Delta state, an Ijaw enclave produces 700,000 barrels per day. When Escravos is not even mentioned.

Lastly, the 9 local government areas in Anioma is another gift of Gen. Babangida to his wife, Maryam for her people. They are neither populated nor the territory of Anioma as large as the others. However, it is all a product of what we complain about so much today: Corruption!

Grade – one Clark
Kiagbodo Town

Retirement: Barr. A. O Enukpere Bows, After A Meritorious Civil Service On Attainment Of Retirement Age

By: Comrade Wilbet Ijeoma
Two-term Chairman of Committee of Heads of Federal Government Establishments (COHEADS), Delta State, Geologist Abraham Omodu Enukpere, Esq. retires as the Geologist in-charge, Nigerian Geological Survey Agency, under the Federal Ministry of Mines and Steel Development (Solid Minerals Development) after a meritorious civil service on attainment of the compulsory retirement age of 60 on the 23rd day of June, 2024.
Although, a sent-forth party was organized on 19th June 2024 for this event which took place at his office in Federal Secretariat Complex, Asaba, and was  graced by dignitaries comprising Directors and Heads of Federal Establishments, staff members of the Agency, families, friends, well-wishers and gentlemen of the press.
Speaking to journalists in the occasion, Barr. Enukpere recounted his experience during his civil service career and the remarkable progress he made in his career spanning from his spell with the Agency’s Headquarters in 2001 to Enugu State where he served for 7 years until 2007; thereafter to Awka Anambra State where he served for 12 years in National Geo-hazard Monitoring Centre of the Agency. Moving forward, he got to the peak of his career as the Geologist in-charge of the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency, saddled with the day to day administration of the Agency in Delta State, and this pinnacle he occupied for 5 years until his retirement.
Speaking further, the two-term Chairman of COHEADS who also served as a Caretaker Chairman for another 6months expressed his profound gratitude to his colleagues at COHEADS for the leadership confidence reposed on him and staff members of his Agency for the enabling environment and cooperation that fostered love, peace and progress in the activities of the Agency. Barr. Enukpere recounted his achievements as Chairman of COHEADS which includes, but not limited to; restoration of electricity in Federal Secretariat Complex after several years of blackout, rebating and regulating the outrageous estimated billing of the Secretariat by BEDC through an Application of Urgency to National Electricity Regulation Commission (NERC), acquisition of prepaid meters for each MDA and fostering cooperation amongst all MDAs within and outside the Secretariat extending to Warri and other LGAs with federal presence.
On his professional achievements as the Geologist in-charge of the Agency, Barr. Enukpere, in collaboration with Delta State Investment Development Agency (DIDA), was instrumental to the scientific investigation of Kaolin (an Industrial mineral used in the production of ceramics, tiles, pharmaceutical industries, electrical insulators and other civil Engineering products) in Delta State.
Furthermore, the Geologist in-charge who doubles as a legal practitioner assisted through scientific means in the successful drilling and installation of boreholes in a problematic, unlikely and non-feasible demographic region in Ogbe-Obi Quarters of Okpanam community, Delta State which resulted in the establishment of a pharmaceutical industry that needed portable running water for its production processes.
On how he became a legal practitioner, the Geologist in-charge recounted how he defied all odds and overcame some setbacks with the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) in the 4th year of his pursuit for a degree in Law. “The Council of Legal Education published in 2015 that Law students will not be admitted to Nigerian Law School. So, I proceeded to Enugu State University of Science and Technology  where I registered for another law programme, and as God would have it, I graduated, went to Law School and was called to Bar in 2021 as Solicitor  and Advocate of the Supreme Court of Nigeria”; Barr Enukpere expressed amidst joy and excitement of his retirement achievements.
The auspicious occasion of his retirement doubling as his 60th birthday anniversary turned out to be a beehive of activities with a euphoria of joy, cheers and excitement, moreso as the event culminated in guests trooping in for refreshment and celebration with the celebrant, taking photographs and presenting gift items in the same accord.

BIRTH ANNIVERSARY: Ogbimi Celebrates Governor Oborevwori @61

By Emmanuel Okoro

The former Member representing Isoko North Constituency in the Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA), Hon. Jude Ogbimi, has congratulated Governor Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta State on his 61 years Birthday Anniversary.

Sheriff Oborevwori

Hon. Jude Ogbimi, in a statement he personally signed and titled: “Happy Birthday To Our Dynamic Governor @ 61”, made available to journalists on Wednesday in Asaba, said Governor Oborevwori deserved to be celebrated for his outstanding contributions to governance in the state and humanity.


He said Governor Oborevwori has turned the entire Delta landscape to a construction site in just one year in office adding that the state stood to gain more from Governor’s MORE Agenda in the years to come.

Hon. Jude Ogbimi

According to the message: “I, Honourable Jude Ogbimi, Chairman, Delta Trust Mortgage Bank, on behalf of my family and political associates, wish to heartily felicitate His Excellency, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori, Governor of Delta State, on the attainment of his 61st birthday anniversary.

“Your Excellency,I whole heartedly celebrate with you on this auspicious occasion of your 61st birth anniversary because your life is a reflection of God’s grace, as clearly evident in your leadership qualities in piloting the affairs of Delta State.

“No doubt, you have demonstrated commitment, dedication and exemplary leadership that has given us the hope of a new Delta State under your MORE Agenda, especially as reflected in the life impacting Projects you been delivering to Delta State.

These include the #78 billion Warri flyovers project, the payment of bursaries to Delta State students, the initiation, rehabilitation, rebuilding and expansion of new and inherited infrastructural projects across the state, the upscaling of the beneficiaries of the D-CARES programme and the MORE Grants empowerment scheme, which has touched the lives of hundreds of thousands of Deltans, as well as the upgrading of health facilities, the employment of over 3, 000 teachers, the prompt and regular payment of salaries to the over 50, 000 strong workforce of the Delta State civil service and the pragmatic measures you have taken to deliver Meaningful and verifiable Development to Deltans, provide Opportunities for all, introduce Realistic Reforms and Impactful Reforms and provide Enhanced Peace and Security which is necessary for the economic growth and peaceful existence to thrive.m, amongst other accomplishments.

“Your lifestyle will continue to inspire many as every step in your life’s journey has shown relentless pursuit and transformational leadership to all around you.

“I pray to God to continue to bless you and endow you with more wisdom, sound health and peace.

“Congratulations and happy birthday Sir.”

Hon. Jude Ogbimi

How Okowa, Oborevwori Neglected Former Aides….as Forum of Past Political Aides Set For Showdown Against DTHA, DTSG Over Unpaid Allowances

Sheriff Oborevwori and Ifeanyi Okowa

Former aides to members of the Delta State House of Assembly, comprising politicians and professionals, have issued a stern warning to the Delta State House of Assembly and the Delta State Government.

PDP Chairman, Kingsley Esiso, Governor Sheriff Oborevwori and Ifeanyi Okowa

They threatened to pursue legal action if their furniture and severance allowances remain unpaid.

The Aides, under the banner of the Forum of Past Political Aides of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Assembly, made this known through their legal counsel D.O. Jarikre & Associates, who addressed a letter to Governor Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori.

Sheriff Oborevwori and Emomotimi Guwor

The letter, dated June 6, 2024, highlighted the group’s frustration with the government’s failure to address their numerous requests for payment.

Emomotimi Guwor

The letter, signed by E. Atowo, ESQ, indicated that despite multiple correspondences, the allowances have not been disbursed. “Our clients have informed us and provided several documents which we believe to be true, showing that they are the current Executive of the Forum of Past Political Aides of the 5th, 6th, and 7th Assembly, Delta State House of Assembly,” the letter states.

The forum members claimed that those who served during the 5th Assembly were yet to receive their furniture allowances.

Sheriff Oborevwori and Ifeanyi Okowa

Additionally, aides from the 5th, 6th, and 7th Assemblies are still owed severance allowances. “During the period under reference, our clients functioned as political aides to members of the Delta State House of Assembly. Several benefits and/or allowances due to them were not paid,” the letter continues.

Emomotimi Guwor

D.O. Jarikre & Associates noted the efforts made by the Forum to resolve the issue, referencing various letters sent to the concerned offices since July 28, 2022.

These letters include a recent one addressed to Governor Oborevwori, who previously served as the Speaker of the State House of Assembly from the end of the second year of the 5th Assembly to the end of the 7th Assembly.

Ifeanyi Okowa

“Our clients have written several letters appealing to the various arms of the Delta State Government responsible for the payments. Despite these appeals, no payments have been received,” the legal team emphasized.

In one of the letters, the Governor’s Chief of Staff advised the Forum to direct their request to the Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly, who also served in the 6th Assembly. However, despite a reminder sent on April 23, 2024, there has been no response.

Ifeanyi Okowa and Sheriff Oborevwori

The legal team has now issued a final demand for the payment of all outstanding allowances within 30 days from June 6, 2024. “Your Excellency, having made several overtures to the Delta State Government and patiently explored all avenues to have this matter settled amicably to no avail, our clients are constrained to demand the payment of all their outstanding allowances without further delay,” the letter states.

The letter warned that if the allowances were not paid within the stipulated time, the Forum will initiate legal proceedings against the Delta State Government for breach of contract. “In the event of further default, neglect, or refusal to pay the said benefits within thirty days, our clients will be left with no option but to institute legal action in a court of competent jurisdiction.”

According to the aides’ appointment letters, they are entitled to 300 percent of their Annual Basic Salary as a furniture allowance and the same amount as severance gratuity, payable upon the successful completion of their tenure or on a pro-rata basis after two years of service.

It is noteworthy that Governor Oborevwori, recently praised by former Nigerian President Dr. Goodluck Jonathan for his prudent management of resources as Speaker, is now facing this controversy. Dr. Jonathan commended Oborevwori, saying, “It is not easy for a public officer or even a civil servant to refund money to the government; it is extremely difficult.”

“But as a Speaker, you were able to do that, which shows that you are a person of high integrity and can be trusted. Please continue to manage the state’s resources in that manner and use the money in a way that will positively affect the people.” Dr. Jonathan had highlighted Oborevwori’s ability to remit over N500,000,000.00 in unspent funds to the state treasury.”

Sheriff Oborevwori and Ifeanyi Okowa

OMIWA Foundation Offers Medical Outreach To Ndokwa, Umunede, Other Delta Communities 

By Abel Johngold
The OMIWA Foundation, has offered free medical treatment to over 400 vulnerable persons suffering from various ailments in Ndokwa East Local Government Area of Delta State.
This was after successfully completing a similar medical mission exercise carried out in Umunede Kingdom in Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta with a total number of 497 patients treated at zero cost.
The OMIWA Foundation, which literal and dialectical meaning  is ‘Our Waters’ of Okwu-Nzu Kingdom, in Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta State, carried out the free medical mission on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th, June, 2024, at the Oluchi Market Square in Okpai, Ndokwa East.
As a mark of Honour, the program was officially flagged-off by the Member  representing Ndokwa/Ukwuani Federal constituency in the National Assembly,  Honourable Nnamdi Ezechi.
A member of the OMIWA Foundation, a renowned medical practitioner in Delta State, Dr Steve Ugbome led 19 medical personnel of the Foundation to Okpai, Oluchi communities to assist the people in the rural areas.
Responding to questions from pressmen, one of the coordinators of OMIWA Foundation, Mr. Tohan Okenyi said the exercise was part of activities to support Government since Government alone cannot do everything.
Mr. Okenyi said the event was also to demonstrate the humanitarian nature of the Okwu-Nzu people, and the kingdom’s commitment to improved quality healthcare service delivery.
According to him “Today’s event signifies our commitment towards improving our relationship with other communities in Delta State. And also have the privilege of free consultations with OMIWA Foundation team of medical experts. In addition to some screening exercises like hepatitis, malaria and sugar test that were carried out.”
While thanking the community leaders and Hon Nnamdi Ezechi for coming to see what OMIWA Foundation is doing to assist the less privileged, Okenyi said the Foundation would continue to provide viable programmes to support communities in Delta North Senatorial District.
The monarch of Okpai, His Royal Majesty, Obi Gold-Ring Enebeli Ugbome 11 JP, lauded the gesture and offered his blessings to OMIWA Foundation.
One of the beneficiaries, Mrs Nkech Osuya, commended OMIWA Foundation for the opportunity given to them to access free medical care.
She urged other organisations and individuals to emulate the gesture to enhance access to quality healthcare services at the grassroots

Joel-Onowakpo fulfills part of electoral promises to constituents, district

Senator Joel Onowakpo Thomas

As part of the fulfilment of his electoral promises to accommodate the interests of diverse groups, that represents the great people of Delta South effectively and to bring governance closer to the people, the Senator representing Delta South Senatorial District, Senator Joel-Onowakpo Thomas, has appointed 23 Advisers to oversee different portfolios.

Senator Joel-Onowakpo made the disclosure in a statement made available to newsmen in Warri, Delta State, saying that it was in fulfillment of his campaign promises to carry his constituents along in taking decisions on how to bring the dividend of democracy to them.

Those appointed were, Prophet Jones Ode Erue, Senior Special Adviser on Political Matters, Rear Admiral John Onoriode Kpokpogri (Rtd), Senior Special Adviser on Defence, Dr. Andrew Egunoma, Senior Special Adviser on Special Duties, Social Welfare & Poverty Alleviation, High Chief Augustine O. Seibi (JP), Senior Special Adviser on Conflicts Resolution, Hon. (Chief) Uyouyou Edhekpo, Senior Special Adviser on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Chief Dillion Oyuwe, Senior Special Adviser on Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC)
and Chief Miller Akpoili, Senior Special Adviser on HOSTCOM.

Others include, Mr. Paul Emumena Michael, Senior Special Adviser on Media and Publicity/Information & National Orientation, Chief Gabriel Yabaka, Senior Special Adviser on Chieftaincy, Cultural and Traditional Affairs, Mr. Ogbegbe Misan, Special Adviser on Local Content, Chief (Mrs) Rita Avberovba, Special Adviser on Women Mobilisation, Dr. Yabrade Moses, Special Adviser on Niger Delta Affairs & Presidential Amnesty Program (PAP), Mr. Ese Azakaza, Special Adviser on Gas, Mr. Victor Omuno, Special Adviser on Science and Technology, Mr. Cheke Emiko, Special Adviser on Employment, Labour, and Productivity, Apostle Liberty Usiayo, Special Adviser on Religious Matters, Mr. Tonye Karowa, Special Adviser on Upstream Petroleum and Mr. Ofehe Goodie, Special Adviser on Police Affairs.

Those who also made the list were, Chief Solomon Akpotu, Special Adviser on Agriculture Production, Services and Rural Development, Chief Kenneth Ogbe, Special Adviser on Housing and Urban Development, Mrs. Beauty Warejuowei, Special Adviser on Nigeria Social Insurance Trust Fund (NSITF), Mr Kenneth Rawlings Okah, Special Adviser on Aviation and Ms Christabel Egbaniyon, Special Adviser on Health

The appointments which according to Senator Joel-Onowakpo takes immediate effect, were carefully considered and made with the overall aim of making his office more efficient, service-oriented and accessible to his constituents, adding that more appointments shall be made as the need arises.

“While congratulating the appointees, I appeal to all Delta South constituents and the general public to give them all necessary cooperation and support, so that we can grow our beloved Senatorial District and nation together in line with the Renewed Hope Agenda of Mr President, His Excellency, Bola Ahmed Tinubu GCFR.”


HEALTHCARE ASSESSMENT: Onicha-Ugbo, Ute-Okpu embrace DSCHC’s Indigents Enrollee Adoption Initiative

By Abel Johngold ORHERUATA

In a bid to ensure that no one is left behind, the Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s-led administration, yesterday, through the Delta State Contributory Health Commission (DSCHC), has taken its MORE Agenda Health Insurance Scheme to Onicha-Ugbo and Ute-Okpu, in Aniocha North Ika North East Local Government Areas of the State.

The flagged-off ceremony which separately took place at Idumu-Omu Quarters, Ogbekenu in Onicha-Ugbo, and Ute-Aloahen Quarters, Ute-Okpu, saw a total of 540 persons (120 in Aniocha North and 420 in Ika North East) in it’s first phase registered, captured and being presented with the Commission’s Health Insurance Identity Cards in the category of Indigents Enrollee Adoption Initiative (IEAI) program.

Responding to questions from newsmen shortly after the ceremony, the Chairman of the Commission, Dr. Austin Obidi, who earlier addressed the beneficiaries and other participants at the gathering in English and Anioma dialect, said the aim of DSCHC is to take the program to every nooks and crannies of the State to make sure everyone benefitted.

He said he was fulfilled that people are enrolling in the program and that the IEAI was one of the ways of getting people to key into the program.


In his speech, the Director General D-G and CEO of DSCHC, Olorogun Dr Isaac Akpoveta disclosed that the registration for health insurance coverage of over 400 indigent and vulnerable persons in Ute-Okpu Kingdom was sponsored by an Indigene of the Community, Dr. Shedrack O. S Nwachukwu, a renowned management consultant. While Idumu-Omu Welfare Association of Onicha-Ugbo sponsored the 120 persons in their quarters of Onicha-Ugbo.

He said it was really grandiose that in this era of wants we still have men with generous heart demonstrated by Dr. S.O.S Nwachukwu. Noting that to offer a man a life line of good health through health insurance was one of the greatest ways to support the indigents and the vulnerable among us, as good health was the first prayer of everyone daily.

Appreciating and celebrating the remarkable kindness of the great philanthropist, Dr. Nwachukwu, who has set a shining example for others to follow, Dr. Akpoveta asserted that “The adoption and purchase of health insurance for over 400 vulnerable individuals from the Ute-Okpu Kingdom in response to the clarion call of DSCHC’s management to all people of goodwill to key into the Indigent Enrollee Adoption Initiative of the commission, is not just an act of charity; it is a demonstration of profound empathy and a tangible commitment to the well-being of our people.

“By stepping forward to adopt enrollees and purchase health insurance for the vulnerable members of your community, Dr. S.O.S Nwachukwu has demonstrated a profound understanding of this principle and shown us the power of determined action in creating positive change


“As we witness the registration of the adoptees, I urge each and every one of us to be inspired by the selflessness and dedication of Dr. S.O.S NWACHUKWU. Let us all take up the mantle of responsibility and join hands in supporting our fellow community members who are in need. There are countless ways in which we can contribute to the well-being of those around us.


“Through these initiatives, we have been able to significantly increase healthcare coverage and improve health outcomes for our people.
As of today, our enrolment statistics stands over 2 million insured. This figure is a testament to the trust and confidence that the people of delta state have placed in our commission and its programs.”


The Indigent Enrollee Adoption program, an initiative of Olorogun Dr. Isaac Akpoveta, the D-G of the Commission, aims to ensure that every resident especially the indigents, regardless of their socio-economic status, has access to quality healthcare.

The highlights of the ceremony were conferment of Health Insurance Ambassador (HIA) Award / presentation of plaques of honour to the sponsors, Dr. Shedrack Nwachukwu and Idumu-Omu Welfare Association of Onicha-Ugbo, registration, capturing of Enrollees and presentation of Health Insurance Identity Cards to beneficiaries.


By Zik Gbemre

The frenzy, spearheaded by Rev Francis Waive, among serving Delta State’s National Assembly (NASS) members over Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s puerile gift of jeeps to them is the height of glorification of insensitive governance induced by extreme greed and shamelessness.

Since March 14th, a rubber-stamp Delta State House of Assembly, playing Governor Sheriff Oborevwori’s script has suspended Hon Matthew Omonade, member representing Ughelli North Constituency 1, on the platform of the All Progressives Congress (APC).

The victim’s offense was protesting that the Governor has plagiarized his intellectual property. A bill he (Omonade) conceived, presented for the House for hearing was swept under the carpet by Speaker Emotimi Guwor. Same Speaker would read same bill, word for word, to the Assembly as Executive Bill.

Not only is the intimidated lawmaker a constituent of Reps Waive, but Omonade got his state assembly seat on same platform as Waive got his NASS seat.

Waive cannot claim ignorance of the trials of Omonade. As informed and self-righteous as Waiva, he doesn’t need to be reminded that as a key opposition leader in PDP ruling Delta state, he and his party, the APC should come hard on Governor Oborevwori for unjustly punishing until now strongest opposition voice in the state assembly.

No, conceited Waive and his Delta APC has been mute on the tyrany against Omonade. Of all the gratitude from the beneficiaries over Oborevwori self-glorifying Greek Gift to Delta NASS members, it was holy Waive that lost his emotions the most.

He sang, “You have done what has never been done in our history by extending the kind gesture to ALL irrespective of political party affiliation. Today I received mine and all of us in the Delta caucus of the 10th National Assembly appreciate you.

“You have demonstrated again and again that you are Governor of all Deltans. And posterity will not forget you. This is a new dawn in our polity. Please keep carrying
every one along. I pray the Almighty God bless you and reward you by himself”. God have mercy on Delta.

Of what benefit is the donation of SUV Jeeps to Waive and fellow Delta NASS members from a local champion whose misgovernment has become the pain and shame of a state?

Recently the media was awash with public curses and condemnation on federal lawmakers restocking their official vehicle fleets with 360 SUVs estimated at N57.6Billion. Three young members of the national assembly rejected theirs saying it was not needed by them.

Waive who had benefited that new jeep is now excited at receiving another one from a kindergarten Governor Oborevwori who has not completed any project since taking reigns of power but transforming Delta on the media and imagination of hired praise singers and only visible at the funerals, birthday parties and marriages of political associates while populace suffers.

Days ago, Oborevwori invited Goodluck Jonathan to commission a building housing High Courts in Asaba to mark a year in office in smokescreen For the records, the high court building was started in the administration of Chief James Ibori who was known for shoddy jobs. His cousin, Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan resumed work on it and
Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa completed it and allowed it for use by partially without full painting and furnishing.

What incumbent Oborevwori did in that high court building was to paint and provide furniture and do a few finishing touches and as always, he is crazy about claiming vain glory by inviting former President Jonathan to make a big show of nothing.

Oborevwori who was in Rivers state days before should tell Deltans the luxuriant Customary Court he saw there and the kind of projects he was invited by Governor Siminalayi Fubara as Special Guests. The Governor of Lagos state just commissioned another 270 housing units in Egan-Igando.

Kingergarten Governor, Oborevwori, with evident lack of capacity to lead a state is busy setting misplaced, egoistic priorities having no bearing on the common man, setting new tone in misgovernment. And it is Waive, a sanctimonious APC Reps member who should be constructively criticising the local champion governor that has assumed Oborevwori’s chief cheerleader, because of a car gift at the expense of the majority neglected Deltans.

Few days ago, I re-echoed the sorry state of Orhowhe Primary School Iwhrekan-Edjophe in Ughelli South LGA, with dilapidated buildings, leaking roofs with no chairs, tables and desks for teachers and pupils. Ughelli South LGA is one of the three LGAs Waive is representing in NASS.

Okuama, a constituent community under Waive, needs urgent humanitarian aids and rebuilding after the Nigerian Military due to Oborevwori’s puerile handling of the situation, leveled all living structures except a church, in ruthless vengeful occupation of the community over killing of some solders.

The hundreds of millions of naira the ‘money-miss-road’ governor wasted on gratifying Waiwe and colleagues would have gone a long way in renovating Orhowhe Primary School Iwhrekan-Edjophe and starting meaningful interventions at rehabilitating and resettling Okuama people.

Instead the governor is making promises to rebuilt school and health center for the community, when he is supposed to have commenced action like as soon as the military withdrew from Okuama. Sen Ede Dafinone visited and made same empty promises. Now Waive is cheering to new jeep while Okuame people need urgent help.

I ask Waive, how many of his church members can eat three healthy square meals a day? How many can afford WAEC registration fees for their children without struggle? I have said it many times, the problem with this country is not leadership. Once a person is elected or appointed in public office he/she loses moral conscience and begins to destroy the very society he is entrusted to transform.

The Nigerian populace continue living in abject poverty, including the Soldiers, Police and DSS guarding the officeholders and politicians who continue to flow in wealth of the people forcefully taken from them. There is always a day for the thief. We have seen some suffer kamal before.

Zik Gbemre
June 8, 2024

We Mobilize Others To Fight For Individual Causes As If Those Were Our Causes

ACCESSING QUALITY HEALTH-CARE: Akpoveta calls for ‘Collective Responsibility’ of supporting the needy

By Pat Gbemudu
The Director-General/ CEO of Delta State Contributory Health Commission ( DSCHC), Olorogun Dr. Isaac Akpoveta, has called on all Deltans of means, nationally or in the diaspora, to please imbibe the concept of Collective Responsibility especially by adopting indigents and vulnerable persons in Delta State, and purchase health insurance card of the DSCHS for them.
Olorogun Dr Isaac Akpoveta
The  D-G made the assertion at the Flagging-Off of registration of 1,000 Indigents Adopted for enrollment into the DSCHC Insurance Scheme by the Akpoveta family at Ofuoma Community in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State yesterday.
In his speech titled “ADOPTING AND CARING FOR INDIGENTS: Supporting the Needy – The Beauty of Collective Responsibility”, Dr. Akpoveta, who noted that Good health is the very first need of humans, disclosed that he and his immediate family nationally and in diaspora decided to enrich the lives of vulnerable and indigent persons in and around his community of Ofuoma and its neighboring communities of Odovie, Emeragha, Ogbowan, Afiesere and Ughelli Town as a way of supporting the needy.
According to him “Supporting others and embracing the concept of Collective Responsibility creates a powerful and positive impact on individuals and communities alike. The  registration is just at a subsidized rate of N7,000 only per person for a whole year of accessible and quality health care.
“With the insurance card they will receive quality healthcare services from any Health care facility of their choice for one year. This will surely enrich their lives, as Good Health is WEALTH, as the saying goes.
” This is what the Akpoveta family has demonstrated by adopting and enrolling 1000 indigents.”
Dr. Akpoveta, flanked by a representative of World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. David Kojovo, the President General (P-G) of Ofuoma Community, Comrade Godfrey Etabuko, Delta State Chairman of Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, ASCSN/TUC, Comrade Bolum Martins Nwachukwu, stirringly asserted that “Embracing collective responsibility transforms communities, making them more resilient, inclusive, and compassionate. It highlights the interconnectedness of human experiences and the importance of working together to create a better world for everyone.”
Highlighting the beauty of Collective Responsibility in his speech, the Director General of DSCHC opined that ‘Fostering Unity and Cooperation’ was crucial to the rescue.
He said collective responsibility encourages people to work together towards common goals, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.
“This can strengthen community bonds and create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and included. WHEN YOU VALUE PEOPLE, PEOPLE VALUE YOU”. Akpoveta added.
The D-G also harped on ‘Empowering Individuals’ noting that when people know they have the support of others, they feel more empowered to take risks, pursue their goals, and overcome challenges. That such collective backing can boost confidence and resilience.
Other points raised and suggested by Dr. Akpoveta in supporting the needy includes ‘Enhances Well-being’, where he said a community that practices collective responsibility tends to have higher levels of well-being. That people feel more secure and less isolated when they know they are part of a network that looks out for one another.
He charged Nigerians to Promote Social Justice. That by sharing responsibilities and resources, communities can address inequalities and ensure that everyone had access to opportunities and support. This can lead to more equitable outcomes and a fairer society.
The D-G also encouraged people to ‘Builds Trust’ that it’s only when individuals consistently support each other, trust within the community grows.
According to Dr. Akpoveta, “Trust is a critical component of strong relationships and effective collaboration, making collective efforts more successful.
“Another point is ‘Inspire Positive Change’. Collective responsibility can drive social change by mobilizing groups to take action on important issues. When people come together to support a cause, they can create significant and lasting impact.
“We must ‘Encourage Altruism’. Supporting others encourages altruistic behavior, which can be deeply fulfilling. Helping others not only benefits the recipients but also brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction to the helpers.
“Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals above oneself.”
Commending the Delta State Government which he said has and still supporting the scheme haven paid billions of naira especially for the vulnerable (maternal and children under 5 years), Dr. Akpoveta said the totality of the concept of Collective Responsibility is what is encapsulated in the M.O.R.E. Agenda of the His Excellency Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s Administration.
M: Meaningful Development
O: Opportunity for All
R: Realistic Reforms
E: Enhance Peace and Security
According to him “More especially Collective Responsibly creates Opportunity for All and it Enhance Peace and Security of Communities where it is practiced deliberately.
“The Delta State Contributory Health Commission was established to run a Social Health Insurance Scheme with several plans: Equity Plan; Formal Plan; Informal Plan and Private Plan. It also runs Initiatives: Indigent Enrollee.
“Adoption Initiative: Artisans Enrollee Adoption Initiative; Access To Finance Initiative and the TISSHIP.
“With these plans and initiatives we have enrolled over 2milion residents of Delta State with over 7million encounters since inception of the schemes about 8 years ago.”