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“Avoid Character Assassination In Public lnterest” – Ogidi-Gbegbaje Tells Media Practitioners

Sir Edwin Ogidi -Gbegbaje


Permanent Secretary, Directorate of Government House and Protocol, Sir Edwin Ogidi-Gbegbaje has said in interfacing and promoting the manifestoes of the various political parties, media practitioners should avoid character assassination, the pull him down syndrome, and should act in the public interest, minimizing any information that does no good to the society.

Sir Edwin Ogidi – Gbegbaje

He stated this on Thursday in Asaba on the occasion of the 4th edition of the Delta State Communication Workshop, (DELCOM), saying they should also be seen to be honest, independent, fair and unbiased as he said the approach deployed by media practitioners in disseminating and managing the barrage of information, to a large extent, determines the corporate existence of a nation.

Speaking on the theme, “Crisis Communication Strategies and Management in Political Power Transition” he said since crisis is an inevitable phenomenon among groups in every society, strategic communication will remain a veritable tool for nipping crisis in the bud.

“How the media report events and happenings to the public will go a long way in creating either positive or negative mindset in the populace. The media must eschew the unethical conduct of misinforming the public. Communication is equally vital in building and sustaining the peace of a nation.

“We are at a critical time in the history of our nation. As we try to build consensus in managing political crises at different levels, my humble appeal to the Press and other Stakeholders in the management of information is that you continue to display professionalism to ensure that we achieve peace and stability in our nation.

“I say this because of the present realities. The Nigeria media space, especially the social media, is inundated with all sorts of unverified news, propaganda, and smear campaigns. As we approach election year, more of these will occupy the media space – spreading of falsehood capable of setting ethnic groups, religious organizations, individuals and political parties, against themselves.

Sir Edwin Ogidi -Gbegbaje

While saying communication through the various media platforms, continues to evolve, due to development in information technology, he stated that communication remains central to human existence. It is at the root of survival of families, groups, organizations, communities and nations.

“Therefore, crisis communication strategies and management in political power transition, involves the methods adopted by media practitioners to elicit, process, disseminate and manage information required to mitigate emerging crisis within the nation’s polity as we move into the 2023 elections.

“The theme is also timely in view of the need to effectively manage the dissemination of information for the overall good of the nation, especially as political parties are set to sell their manifestoes to the electorates. It is quite apt, given the pivotal role the media; the fourth estate of the realm, plays in the scheme of things”

The seasoned Rotarian who recommended the 4-Way Test as a universal paradigm in dealing with communication crisis in any situation asked “When we put pen to paper, what is our story line? Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build goodwill and better friendships? Will it be beneficial to all concerned?”

DELCOM Coordinator and Executive Assistant (Communications) to the Governor of Delta State, Olorogun Fred Latimore Oghenesivbe said his office is organizing the capacity building programme, an annual event designed to equip media practitioners, communication appointees of government, social media influencers, bloggers, etc.

Chief Trainer, erudite presenter and communication strategist, Prof Abigail Odozi Ogwezzy also stated that at the end of the workshop, participants would have been equipped with the requisite knowledge and skills in meeting the challenges of communications in the 21st Century as well as function effectively in their assigned responsibilities.

Massive turnout as DUG inaugurates BOT, NEC ahead of campaigns

By Nneka Glory Nwachukwu

Over 1000 representatives of the 25 local government councils of Delta State converged in Uro, Isoko South on Wednesday as the Delta Unity Group, a pro-David Edevbie organisation of the Delta State Peoples Democratic Party inaugurated its organs ahead of the campaigns for the general elections.

The event hosted by Sir Itiako Ikpokpo, former Chairman of Delta ALGON in his country home, witnessed the swearing in of members of the Board of Trustees, National Executive Council and local government coordinators of the group.

The group said while they are strong members of the PDP, they believe in the competence and capacity of Olorogun David Edevbie to lead the state to greater prosperity and they are confident he will emerge victorious at the Supreme Court as the PDP candidate for the Governorship election.

Speaking at the occasion, former Secretary to the State Government, Hon Chiedu Ebie assured that in filing a 23 grounds of appeal at the Supreme Court, Edevbie’s lawyers had studied the judgement of the Court of Appeal and are very positive that the Supreme Court will deliver substantial justice in the matter.

Barr. Chiedu Ebie

He urged the gathering to remain positive and stand firm on the Edevbie mandate pointing out that there can be moments of anxiety but the truth shall always prevail.

“In the case of Bayelsa PDP, they won at the High Court, lost at the Appeal Court and won at the Supreme Court. It was the same in the Ebonyi case where Odii won at the High Court, lost at the Appeal and also won at the Supreme Court. David Edevbie’s case is on the same trajectory.”

The National Executive Council is chaired by Rt Honourable Peter Onwusanya with Comrade Michael Akpobire as Secretary.

Other members include, Hon Evance Ivwurie, Deputy Chairman; Rt Hon Daniel Reyeineju, Vice Chairman, Delta South;
Rt Hon Monday Igbuya, Vice Chairman, Delta Central; and Rt Hon Olisa Imegwu, Vice Chairman, Delta North.

Others are Hon Stanley Odali, National Assistant Secretary, Hon Fred Ofume, Treasurer; Barrister Robinson Ariyo, Legal Adviser; Sunny Areh, Publicity Secretary;
Hon Godwin Ejinyere, Organising Secretary; Olorogun Esere Ejifoma, Auditor; Comrade Isaiah Ingo, Youth leader Comrade Isaiah Ingo; and Chief Florence Ayomanot, Woman Leader.

The BOT is composed by
Prof Pat Muoboghare,
Chief Morrison Olori, Dr Isaac Akpoveta, Rt Hon Monday Igbuya, Chief Giwa Amu Theodora, Chief Clem Ofuani, Arch Joe Iroro, Rt Hon Tams Brisibe, Rt Hon Mercy Almona Ise, Pastor Champion Kpateghe and Pastor John Greatman Chukwuka.

Elsie Adewoye, Model Of Consummate Scholar We’re Seeking to be, build in University – VC


Vice Chancellor (VC), University of Ibadan (UI), Prof Kayode Adebowale, mni, has stated that ruminating on the life and career of Professor Elsie Adewoye, especially her service in the school, what stood out for him was that she was actually the model of the consummate scholar they were seeking to be and to build in the University.

Adebowale stated this in his address as Guest of Honour, at the 70th Birthday Programme of
Prof Elsie Olufunke Adewoye, former Head of Department, Physiology Dept and President, University of Ibadan Alumni Association (UIAA), Worldwide.

In his speech titled: “The town, the gown and the space in-between: Thoughts on the service of Elsie Olufunke Adewoye”, the VC, said he counted it a privilege to be the Guest of Honour at an event, celebrating the crossover of the celebrant to the seventh floor and into retirement.

According to the VC, “As a university, our vision is to be a world-class institution for academic excellence, geared towards meeting societal needs. Our consummate scholar is therefore one who, through research and other activities, traverses the boundary of academia into full involvement in the affairs of the society; one who combines the town with the gown in a way that returns the benefits of research and the academe to the both.”

Relating Elsie Adewoye’s successes to Gavazzi (2020), writing on the possible influence of the Covid-19 pandemic on the relationship between universities and the larger society, which described the relationship as marriage without vows, in health and in sicknes, Adebowale noted that this marriage was often a troubled one and often, there were usually gaps between the spouses. That those who stood in the gap were the ones to be thanked for salvaging that marriage.

“Professor Elsie Olufunke Adewoye is one of these rare ones. And in her style, she has stood in that gap in quite a unique way,” he added.

The UI Vice Chancellor stated that using her position as the President of the Alumni Association, Professor Elsie Adewoye contributed immensely to retaining the UI reputation of being the centre where local, national and international issues are debated and where solutions are proffered; that she brought the world out there to the University of Ibadan.

Prof Elsie Adewoye to

Adebowale said the UIAA Worldwide President answered the second question by inaugurating and promoting activities that would directly benefit the outside world. That through her activities as President of the UI Alumni Association, the association has embarked on building a 2billion naira cancer diagnostic centre.

“Sometimes it seems we reduce town-gown relationship to just conducting research and sharing that with the town, that is the community, policy makers and others. While this is very important, town-gown relationship is more expansive than this. In fact, it is about each academic, exploring the space in-between the town and the gown and seeing what role they can play to further the advancement of both the university and the society.

“For Professor Adewoye, that unique space in-between was the alumni association. And to the benefit of both the University of Ibadan and the outside world, she explored that space very successfully. We are academics, primarily, but somewhere in that space between the town and the gown, we must look for opportunities to be a lot more than typical.

“The University of Ibadan is immensely proud of the exemplary contributions of Professor Elsie Adewoye. Our prayer is that as you begin the new and exciting journey into fruitful service to humanity as a retired academic, you will enjoy good health and happiness,” the UI VC asserted.

In his lecture titled “BRINGING VISION AND RESPONSIBILITY TO LEADERSHIP – A TOAST TO PROFESSOR ELSIE ADEWOYE, the Director of Nigerian Institute For Oil Palm Research (NIFOR), Prof. Celestine Ikuenobe, described the Honoree as a leader who brought to the table, great vision, charisma and responsibility in mobilizing resources for the University of Ibadan and on the goal of taking ownership of it, as suggested by great Nigerians including a legal luminary, Chief Wole Olanipekun, OFR, SAN, and late Emeritus Prof. Akin Mabogunje.

He said the UIAA Worldwide President came across as one naturally gifted with leadership qualities, calm disposition, disarming, motherly, and enough to bring down tensions anywhere.

The Guest Lecturer noted that “What is common place in our clime is that people seek the position of leadership, not because of what they can bring to the table, but what they can get out of it.

“That has been our bane as a nation, even as our people daily struggle for survival. But, in our honoree there’s no challenge of leadership.

“Our honoree today, Professor Elsie Adewoye has served this great University in many capacities, including first as a teacher, mentor of students, Head of Department, Hall Warden and Hall Mistress, and overall mobilizer of resources for the University, on the platform of the Alumni Association.”

While saying the leadership of Alumni associations should be such that has far sighted vision, driven by deep conviction to move the university forward, Ikuenobe disclosed that it was remarkable that Prof. Elsie Adewoye is the second lady to have occupied the exalted position of President of the Association for that matter, in the foot steps of the first lady President, Chief (Mrs.) Folashade Ogunlade.

He opined that every one of us is a leader in our own spheres, that leading people or any group for that matter, was a privilege, but what we bring to it or what we make of our leadership position, was largely defined by our vision and circumstances. That a good leader is a good fortune for the group that is so led.

“A leader’s job is to look into the future and see the organization not as it is, but as it can become. The bane of leadership in all spheres in Nigeria today, is the near lack of vision and responsibility, of those so entrusted with it. According to the famous quotation of Spiderman, with great power comes great responsibility.

“It was obvious she understood very well, the admonition by the renowned Civil Rights Leader. Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. when he said’ “Be a bush if you can’t be a tree. If you can’t be a highway, just be a trail. If you can’t be a sun, be a star. For it isn’t by size that you win or fail. Be the best at whatever you are.” Ikuenobe added.

Lagos Big Boy, Tunde Ayeni, others crippled Skye Bank – (PART 1)

The Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, EFCC, says a former Chairman of the defunct Skye Bank Plc (now Polaris Bank), Tunde Ayeni, took N17.4bn from the suspense account of the bank between January 1 and December 31, 2014.


The EFCC further alleged that Ayeni received N3.75bn in cash from the same account the following year.


The allegations are part of the 10 fraud charges filed against Ayeni and three others before a Federal High Court in Abuja.

The suit is separate from the N4.75bn and $5m fraud charge Ayeni and a former Managing Director of the bank, Timothy Oguntayo, are facing before Justice Nnamdi Dimgba of a Federal High Court.


According to a charge sheet marked FHC/Abuja/CR/37/2019, Ayeni, Oguntayo, Control Dredging Company Limited and Royaltex Paramount Ventures Limited allegedly laundered over N23bn between 2014 and 2015.


The EFCC alleged that on December 24, 2014, Ayeni, while being chairman of the board of Skye Bank, transferred N3bn from the account of the defunct Skye Bank’s Suspense Account to a First City Monument Bank account with number 0758662025, belonging to Control Dredging Company Limited, another company owned by Ayeni.


The commission alleged that the act was in contravention of Section 18(a) of the Money Laundering (Prohibition) Act, 2011, which is punishable under Section 15 of the same Act.


The anti-graft agency further alleged that Ayeni and Oguntayo conspired with others on March 25, 2015, to transfer the sum of N1.25bn from the Suspense Account of the defunct Skye Bank to the Skye Bank account of Royaltex Paramount Ventures Limited, another company owned by Ayeni.


The EFCC listed nine witnesses against Ayeni and others. They include four employees of the bank, officials of the EFCC and representatives of the FCMB.


The exhibits, which would be tendered in court include written statements, internal bank memos, cash delivery notes and forms, various bank documents, bank instruments and incorporation documents.


Some witnesses listed are Bamidele Are, Kayode Ojo-Osagie, Azeem Abiodun and Olufemi Phillips, who are all employees of the bank.


Others listed are Dare Folarin, Akingbade Adebayo, Dr Nurudeen Mohammed, Otitoju Moses, Longe Lolade, Umar Kangiwa, and Abubakar Madaki, among others.


Ayeni first came under investigation by the EFCC in 2016, when Skye Bank began to show signs of distress.

At the time, it was taken over by Central Bank of Nigeria in 2018, Skye Bank had a negative net asset of N1tn as to the opposed capital requirement of N25bn for Nigerian banks.

It was alleged that penchant of members of the board of the defunct bank for taking loans without due process accounted for N446bn in insider-related loans drawn from Skye Bank



By Wemdi Nwaham

The presidential candidate of the PDP, Vice President Atiku Abubakar has cautioned PDP faithfuls to desist from making comments on the Wike saga in the party, so as not to jeopardise on going efforts at reconciliation. That is good. It is a language that should come from a statesman. Like Reuben Abati put it recently, you do not make a child cry and you don’t find a way to pacify the child.

But try as much as various organs and personages of the party PDP will, it seems that Gov. Wike is on a mission to sink the party. The latest news is that Vice President Atiku has scheduled another meeting with Wike this week. The first of such direct meeting was in London about a week ago. To put it mildly, that meeting achieved nothing as it produced no breakthroughs.

Wike seems to be emboldened by the crop of PDP governors and high profile persons that have flocked to his side. But whether he realises it or not, these persons may just be opportunists, who see through him an avenue to achieve something in the party. A few days ago, Commodore Bode George was in Rivers state, also lending his voice to the growing clamour that the National Chairman of the party, Prof. Iyorche Ayu, must relinquish his post, to bring peace to the party. There are other demands of what has now been known as the Wike group. Olusegun Mimiko, another Yoruba man wants to be the National Chairman of the party. Grapevine has it that he is the person favoured by the Wike group. Bode George perhaps knows as much, but he wants to be in the reckoning for that office, if the Wike osmotic pull, forces that eventuality.

About a month ago, Atiku Abubakar granted an interview to Arise television. Wike returned from a trip abroad and right at the Port Harcourt international airport, told the press that the interview granted by the presidential candidate of his party “were full of lies”. And the national tabloids carried banner headlines of Wike’s comments. As an ordinary Nigerian, I shuddered at that level of indiscretion and audacity. I screamed that it is time to call this man’s bluff.. But my friends cautioned me that Wike is aggrieved and he should be left to ventilate his anger.

But Wike has not stopped, neither has he let up. He has escalated his theatricals and verbal attacks on the party that made him and its VIPs.. He has held the party by the jugular and to ransom. That is because the party has acquiesced to endulge him. He ridicules every statement of top functionaries of the party. When the presidential candidate say that they are on a rescue mission, Wike fires back, “see people who are on a rescue mission”.
And the party continues to take it in its strides. Only as few days ago, he carpeted the National Chairman of their party, the PDP, calling him a prodigal father. Ha. And the party continues to bear. But for how long?

In Rivers state, where Wike bestrides the world of governance and headship of the party, he is a Czar. His party men and indeed indigenes of the state are in bondage. When he calls them out for his numerous weekly commissioning ceremonies, though not expressed, government functionaries must laugh in approval of whatever he says or does. When he clowns, they applaud.

Rivers state under Wike is akin to what happens in the highly repressed enclave of North Korea. When the father of the current president died, every North Korean that lined the streets were all seen to be wailing, even if they were faking it. It is the same way, if their president said any thing that demands laughter, all North Koreans must laugh. And this is a man who wanted to be president of Nigeria. His clownish dancing are to say the least, despicable. But Rivers state people must enjoy it. Unfortunately for him, this is Nigeria, not Uganda under Field Marshal Idi Amin. This is not country that an uncouth tyrant or despot can do drama with and have everybody enjoy his lunacy.

Now, why is Wike behaving this way? *After observing the trajectory of his oscillating virtuperations and comic displays since his ill-fated adventure to be the candidate of his party, and after he was bypassed for the position of Vice Presidential candidate in a pecking order, Wike is incrementally being confronted by the sheer magnitude of his loss.* The one that appears to be racking his head crazy, is that the man he snubbed in his nationwide campaign and consultations for the presidential ticket, also beat him to the Vice presidential slot. And the resources he committed was humongous.

Aside from that, he remembers that some of the people calling the shots now in the party were not there when life was almost snuffed out of the soul of the party some years ago and he was the “night nurse”.

There are three categories of Nigerians watching this PDP drama intently. There is the group that belong to “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”. They don’t like Atiku Abubakar or his pick for his Vice, Gov. Ifeanyi Okowa and they don’t like the PDP. So, whatever will sink both men and their party is hailed. That is why they applaud Wike and his antics.

There are those who see PDP as the party in waiting to occupy Aso Rock and they want to position themselves in the party and Wike is the hatchet jobber to bring that about. They now remember that the presidential ticket ought to go to the south and so on. They conveniently forget that all decisions of the party up to this point were openly and democratically taken and implemented.

Then there are those who feel that after everything had been done openly and democratically, sore losers want to bring the whole edifice down. They want the party to survive and replace the current party that has brought calamity and looming doom to the country.

And to be able to prescribe a remedial course of action, this later diagnosis is the prognostic path to seriously consider. Everything has been done patiently, up to this moment, to accommodate Gov. Wike. That is an admission that the party appreciates his worth and the group he now leads within the party. But for how long will the party continue to indulge him?

We have always been told that “party is supreme”. This was demonstrated in Osun state recently, where the party member who lost to Governor elect, Chief Olabisi Adeleke and has been in court to disqualify the candidate who has just won his election, has been expelled from the party, the PDP. Why is the PDP reluctant to wield the big stick in Wike’s case?

Let’s see what further concessions Atiku Abubakar will make to Wike and his group when they meet midweek, this week. Will Atiku sacrifice the National Chairman of his party at this critical time? If he does, will he produce the replacement or Wike’s group will? And this is the thorniest of the demands from the Wike camp.

If they cannot agree, will the party wield the big stick and expel Wike from the party? After all, it is obvious that he wants the destruction of the party and the loss of holders of the joint ticket as the appropriate reward that will assuage his badly bruised ego and sense of loss.

Atiku has crossed the Rubicon. He must know now that he will lose the election if the party continues with these distractions. If Wike remains intransigent and recalcitrant, then “party is supreme” mantra must be applied now. Wike should be axed and let whoever wants to go with him go. It is better PDP loses the February 2023 election with peace of mind and control of their party, than lose with all manners of _agberos_ struggling the steering with the driver. In Rivers state, Wike will learn sooner or later that the “Rivers votes” he erroneously thinks are his personal estate do not all belong to him.

As a parting shot, the comportment and deliberate, measured silence of the Vice presidential candidate of the PDP, Senator Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa Gov. of Delta State, on this matter, must be highly commended. He has been very presidential. The lack of such comportment is another line of dichotomy with the other fellow. Even the political parties that Wike have hobnobed with so far, while brazenly courting charges of Anti-party, will not want to harbour him too closely, as a party member. Wike must watch it because he will be the ultimate big loser, after all is said and done.

WEMDI NWAHAM is a veteran journalist and he writes from Asaba.

Omatsoguwa Leads Joel-Onowakpo Senatorial Campaign Squad …….Omadeli, Adagbabiri, ifowodo, Timinimi, Essien, Ekiyor, Seikigba amongst others included

Prince Evans Omatsoguwa has been appointed Chairman, Campaign Council of Joel-Onowakpo Thomas (JOT) Campaign Organization for Delta South Senatorial District come 2023 general elections.

Hon. Joel-Onowakpo Thomas, foremost candidate to represent the good people of Delta South Senatorial District, Delta State, under the umbrella of the All Progressives Congress (APC), made the announcement of the Constitution of JOT Campaign Organization in a statement signed by him.

Other members of the JOT Campaign Organization includes, Hon Saturday Timinimi- Co-Chairman Campaign Council, Chief Michael Seikegba – Director General, Chief Hon. Benjamin Okiemute Essien – Deputy Director General, Chief Dr. Chris Ekiyor – Assistant Director General – (Izon), Suveyor Peter Akarogbe – Assistant Director General – (Isoko), Chief Charles Omadeli – Assistant Director General – (Itsekiri), Mr. Okoloko Dafe – Assistant Director General-(Urhobo), Dr Adagbabiri—HoD Media and Publicity, Dr Ogaga Ifowodo- Deputy HoD Media and Publicity and Barr. Wilson Alatsha–HoD legal services.

According to the Harvard-trained financial expert, “My fellow members of the All Progressives Congress (APC) family, Delta South Senatorial District, after series of meetings, wide consultations, and a painstaking selection process as the APC Senatorial Candidate for the 2023 elections, I am happy to announce the following persons who will lead us in the campaign for the Delta South Senatorial District.”

“Let me once again thank all the leaders, the APC Local Government party Chairmen and all members of the enlarged campaign committee, for their invaluable services support and encouragement thus far.”

Former FIRS States Coordinator for Rivers, Edo & Delta and APC 2019 House of Representatives candidate for Isoko Federal Constituency, urged all APC members and all his supporters to rally round these men to enable them deliver 5/5 for all their candidates.

The former Chairman, Isoko south Local Council and former Executive Chairman, Delta State Board of Internal Revenue said, “Having agreed to devolve the Campaign Organization to the various local government areas, I implore you to play active roles at whatever position you will find yourselves.
Thank you and God bless you all.”

Tunde Ayeni, Controversial Businessman, EFCC Boss Head For Dubai For Undisclosed Mission

In what could best be described as a renewed dalliance, the Chairman of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission, Mr. Abdulrasheed Bawa, and the defunct Skye Bank Chairman, John Olatunde Ayeni, are heading for Dubai in the United Arabs Emirate any moment from now.


An impeccable source told our reporter that while Ayeni and Bawa’s mission in Dubai is not immediately clear, it might not be unconnected with how the anti-graft agency could become handy in the promotion of Ayeni’s 2023 political interests.


There has been increasing dalliance in recent times between Ayeni who superintended over the collapse of Skye Bank and the EFCC chairman.


The duo allegedly met at a location in Abuja on Wednesday night where the decision to proceed to Dubai was reached.


Another close confidant of Ayeni, namely Bashiru Hadeja, was also said to be in the know of the meeting and travel plans to the UAE.

The former Skye Bank chairman has been left off the hook as EFCC seemed to have abandoned the case of how he allegedly turned the defunct bank’s deposit into slush fund for PDP in the 2015 election.


Perhaps goaded by Ayeni, the EFCC chairman has been pursuing cases involving more of All Progressives Congress states and chieftains than PDP.

“It’s not impossible that the Dubai meeting may also involve the Peoples Democratic Party Presidential Candidate, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar,” said the source.

“This EFCC has been prosecuting more of APC men than PDP. Is the agency saying only APC officials have been engaging in alleged financial infractions,” the source queried.

Delta PDP: Appeal Court Judgement Is A Greater Hope For Us – Edevbie Campaign Organization

David Edevbie
By Nneka Glory Nwachukwu
The Olorogun David Edevbie Campaign Organization has stated that the recent Appeal Court judgement upturning his victory at the Abuja Federal High Court was a greater hope for them, because it would spurred them to work harder in achieving victory at the Supreme Court.
Former Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA) Rt. Hon. Peter Oneusanya, stated this in Asaba today at a meeting organized by the supporters of Olorogun David Edevbie where top chieftains of the Delta State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), affirmed their support for Olorogun David Edevbie as the best person for the Party for the 2023 Governorship election and called on Deltans to join his Modernisation Movement, saying he presents the best programmes for the development and growth of the state.
Onwusanya, who alleged and lamented ill-treatment for David Edevbie and his supporters by the State PDP, said they still remain PDP members.
“Even though they are treating us like outsiders we will reclaim all our supporters through meetings like this. The intention at the PDP Governorship Primary was to make Edevbie come 3rd or 4th position  but, as God would have it, with our supporters firm stand, we conquered their plan.” The former Speaker said.
Earlier, the Director-General of Olorogun David Edevbie Campaign organisation, Chief Clement Ofuani,  appealed to Edevbie’s the supporters across the state to remain calm and positive, stressing that the organisation was already on its way to the Supreme Court.
He said Olorogun David Edevbie was ready to do the work of developing the State and his competence’s and capacity is widely known by Deltans and they have been looking forward to the period for him to set the state on high developments grounds. That it was not about him, it was about the good of the people and the movement was more than a revolution.
Responding to questions from journalitsd, Responding to question, former Chairman of Ika South Local Government Area, Hon. Fred Ofume noted that the Appeal Court judgement has not dealt with the nucleus of the case as instituted by Olorogun David Edevbie, but leaves room for the opposition. Chairman of Ika South Local Government Area, Hon. Fred Ofume noted that the Appeal Court judgement has not dealt with the nucleus of the case as instituted by Olorogun David Edevbie, but leaves room for the opposition.

He said the recent judgment at the Appellate Court that went against the favour of David Edevbie was a wake up call for his supporters.

According to the former Local Government Area chairman, “It’s indeed a blessings  for PDP and all Deltans. David Edevbie is for all Deltans irrespective of tribes and ethnicity. Lets join hands to make the modernization blueprint a reality, for whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven.

Also, Dr. Karo Ilolo, former Delta State Commissioner for Urban Renewal, said the meeting was to reassure Deltans that hope was not lost in their dream for modernised and more prosperous state under the leadership of David Edevbie.
“What the appellate court did was a miscarriage of justice, but we will recover our mandate at the Supreme Court,” Ilolo told the 
mammoth gathering.

PALACE TUSSLE: No Apology, No Headway – Prince Tony To Siblings.

As part of efforts to secure lasting peace in view of the palace tussle occasioned by the demise of the Queen mother of Oleh Kingdom, Prince Tony Ovrawah, has urged his sibling to publicly apologise to their father or face the wrath of the law.

The statement is following the postponement of burial arrangement for the late Queen mother due to pending litigations. It should be noted that this is the 2nd time the late burial arrangement is been postponed.

In the statement made available to the Press, Prince Tony recalled that the Oleh Monarch, HRM and others were invited to FIB, Special Tactical Squad, Force Headquarters Abuja, by the police.

“The invitation followed petitions by Michael Ovrawah, Leonard Ovrawah, Maggie Ovrawah, Onome Alagba (nee Ovrawah), Karo Ogundele (nee Ovrawah) and Victor Ovrawah, all children of HRM.

“Upon arrival at force headquarters, and during interview, Micheal, Leonard, and Victor, who represented them all at Abuja, told the police that really, their father (HRM) did not kill their mother, she died out of psychological effect and serial illness, and accepted that all the allegations levelled against HRM the Odio Ologbo of Oleh, were not true.

“The Police men at Abuja were terribly shocked if HRM is really the father of these children, having heard his explanations/presentations.

“The police in their wisdom advised that since the matter was a family issue, they should go home, settle, withdraw all matters from court, then bury the late Queen mother, who has been at Oweh Clinic mortuary in Oleh.

“This petition to Force Headquarters was the second, sponsored by Leonard Ovrawah, who was dismissed from Heritage Company few years ago, because of same misconducts and ill transactions.

“The first petition accused HRM and myself (Tony Ovrawah) in United States of America of MURDER on the Queen, which aggravated me to seek Court intervention for Autopsy, to determine the actual course of death of their mother, because we are in a civilized world.

“The Magistrate Court sitting at Asaba, had earlier given an order which reads: “It is hereby ordered that the body of the late Queen should be and must be preserved until the preliminary objection in this case is heard.

“This matter is hereby adjourned to the 24th day of May 2022, for hearing in preliminary objection. Parties are hereby ordered to maintain status quo pending the outcome of the preliminary objection.”

A source said, “After returning from Abuja, a family meeting was convened and 26th of August 2022, was fixed for the burial. However, Tony was not at Abuja, even his lawyer was not there. Tony had maintained that settlement can be in view only if his siblings tender an unreserved apology to their father, who suffered a lot of humiliation and attack both on social media and publications.

“Tony’s words: “My father is a king and he is 85years old. My siblings have published enough false stories against me and my Dad. I took my siblings to court, not my father, because they petitioned to the police that, me and my father killed our mother, meanwhile, I am in USA.

“I do not want my children to receive the embarrassment tomorrow. If they have the guts to tell Abuja police that all the petitions against my Dad are false, why won’t they have same guts to apologise to my father?. Satanic ego and pride is their bane. My father is on my neck to let go the matter, but I said, No. He invited his colleagues and adequately prepared for the burial, thinking I will let go, but I insisted. You can not give my father public disgrace and come to the bedroom to say something else.

“I am not mad. I told them to apologise to me, they said, no way, and I told my father, family members, our lawyers that until they write apology letter to my father, I won’t withdraw the matter. The last publication is that my father has joined Ogboni. How? joined Ogboni at 85?. Leonard’s lawyer accepted the apology, but Leonard refused. I didn’t know I have such mad siblings who are unreasonable before.”

“On 23rd August, Oweh wrote to Commissioner of Police and my father, notifying them of the threat from my siblings, and CP said, until the court order is vacated the corpse cannot be released or burial take place. That is the true position. “

“That same 26th day August, Leonard hired a handful of women, who are not from Oleh, gave them N500 each to protest to Oweh clinic to request for the corpse and the protest was led by Micheal Ovrawah, a 52years old fool, who was equally sacked from Delta State University, Oleh Campus for behaviour like this. They were driven away by Oleh DPO, who was on ground with his men at the instruction of the CP.

“My father is a quiet man, who has trained my siblings and equally positioned them. My siblings are humiliating themselves, not my father. Whatever is happening now is due to the insensitivity, arrogance and stupidity of my siblings. I demand an official apology to my father.” He stated.

Delta @ 31: Edevbie Preaches Love…. Says A Bright Future Awaits Delta

Olorogun David Edevbie
Deltans have been called upon to uphold the ideals of mutual love, peace, tolerance and determination, which are preconditions for a modernized state.
2023 governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party PDP in Delta State, Olorogun David Edevbie made the call in a good will message to Deltans in commemoration of the 31st anniversary of creation of the state.
He said: “As we advance in age, we must now accelerate our development strides to attain a new world of greater industrial, commercial and technological prowess by which the world will reckon with us in various fields of human endeavours, and our young men and women can realise a brighter future.
Olorogun David Edevbie
He noted that from its creation in 1991 and into the current democratic dispensation in 1999 till date, we have accomplished tremendous progress in terms of physical and human development for which all Deltans can be proud and grateful to God.
According to the PDP governorship candidate in Delta State “Through these years, roads and bridges have been built to connect our various communities; various social infrastructures have been established to cater for the needs of the people, but most important is that we have upheld our diversity with pride and protected our unity against all odds.
“For these, I congratulate all Deltans in recognition that everyone, men and women, young and old, rural and urban, has contributed to the process, individually and collectively.
“I commend successive Governors of the State, especially their Excellencies, Chief James Onanefe Ibori, Dr Emmanuel Uduaghan and Sen. Dr Ifeanyi Okowa, for their continued provision of quality and visionary leadership and direction.”
Also in the Goodwill Massage, the former Chief of Staff to late President Umaru Yar’ Adua and later to Delta State Government commended traditional rulers and various leaders of Delta communities as well as leaders of political, spiritual, civic, business, sports, education, health and security institutions for their contributions and commitment to the growth of the state and its peace and harmony.
Olorogun David Edevbie
Edevbie, who also commended the Peoples Democratic Party and its leadership from inception till date for their efforts in maintaining the political harmony and stability of Delta State in the last two decades, noted that “Indeed, we cannot claim that we have attained our best. We are still far from achieving the Delta State of our dreams as it is still a work in progress.
“However, with gratitude to Almighty God for blessing us with colossal mineral, agricultural, water, land and above all, talented human resources, we must remain resolute in optimising these to achieve the great and manifest destiny God designed for us.
“The past 31 years have been primarily focused on building structures and strengthening our institutions. As we advance in age, we must now accelerate our development strides to attain a new world of greater industrial, commercial and technological prowess by which the world will reckon with us in various fields of human endeavours, and our young men and women can realise a brighter future.
“Delta must redefine its capacity for productivity, commercial success and economic prosperity.
“This is achievable with strong-willed leadership, able to break new grounds, and the commitment to inclusive development for our entire citizenry.
“A bright future awaits Delta, and as we look ahead to this next stage of our march of progress, I urge all Deltans to uphold the ideals of mutual love, peace, tolerance and determination, which are preconditions for a modernised state.
“Congratulations Deltans!
Congratulations, our dear leaders!
Long live Delta State!”
Olorogun David Edevbie
PDP Governorship Candidate