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Onyeme: When God Blesses A Man…

Sir Monday Onyeme, Deputy Governor of Delta State


On Sunday, July 16, 2023, lovers of democracy and believers in our Lord, Jesus Christ, shall gather at Ibabu, Onicha-Ukwuani in Ndokwa West Local Government Area of Delta State.

The people will join Sir Monday Onyeme, as he gives thanks to God for his emergence and successful assumption of office as the Deputy Governor of Delta State. As I was reminiscing on the choice of the venue for the thanksgiving, St. John’s Anglican Church, I recalled a Biblical passage that says, “He shall build a house for My name, and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.” 2 Samuel 7:13.

Onyeme, as an individual had always attributed his success stories to God, but his emergence as the Deputy Governor of Delta State is simply, miraculous.

Sir Monday Onyeme, Deputy Governor of Delta State

He single handedly built and furnished St. John’s Anglican Church, Ibabu, and has contributed in legion ways to the work of God, apart from the fact that his charitable works, described in some circles are philanthropy, knows no bound.

As a Catholic, yours sincerely is aware that the greatest contribution that one can make is the act of charity, as it encompasses our love for God by loving our neighbours as we love ourselves; in line with the present scenario, the Holy Bible, in Proverbs 19:17, said, “Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and He will repay him for his deed.” Is Onyeme reaping his rewards for lending to the Lord?

If Onyeme is reaping the rewards of his generosity, then, he should prepare for an unprecedented crowd at the thanksgiving.

There are several reasons why Onyeme should be prepared for his thanksgiving which I can comfortably itemize as follows:

1. He is the first Ndokwa man – Ukwuani and Ndoshimili man to emerge as the number two citizen of Delta State. Right from the days of Mid-West, Bendel and now Delta State, the governorship seat has always eluded the Ndokwa people. Such names as Chief Godwin Otunuya Iwegbue (Okpondiogwu) of Emu, Prof. Agume Eric Opia, Chief Ifeanyichukwu Onyechukwuakwaese Onwukamike, Dr. Joshua Enueme, and several other prominent persons from Ndokwa land had contested for the governorship seat without luck. In short, the coming of Chief Godwill Obielum into the governorship race in 2003/2007 changed the political equation in the state. Though, he did not emerge victorious, he entrenched a situation where individuals can dare and contest for elective positions relying on their popularity. Naturally, too, as one of the most populated ethnic groups in the country and with a landmass that links Delta South, Delta Central and other parts of Delta North (Ndokwa people also share boundaries with Edo, Anambra, Rivers and Bayelsa states),, the Ndokwa people have always been the bride of those who contested for the governorship position in the state. Governorship candidates as Chief Great Ovedje Ogboru, Barr. Kenneth Gbagi, Rt. Hon. Ovie Omo-Agege, among others, had to choose their running mates from Ndokwa land. At the end, Sir Onyeme emerged. So, Ndokwa people are seeing the thanksgiving as their celebration and will grace the occasion in their large numbers.

2. Onyeme, the philanthropist: “When you give alms, do not blow a trumpet before you …” – Matthew 6:2. This is the style of Sir Onyeme, and because of this attribute, he will never know how many people that his actions have transformed their lives positively. He was a lecturer at the Delta State University and most of his students then have been itching to see him since his emergence as the Deputy Governor; so, they will join him to thank God for his life, and, by extension, for being alive to see their lecturer emerge as the number two citizen of Delta State. Sir Onyeme, through his Monday Onyeme Foundation, has awarded scholarships to a lot of persons, people who do not have access to physically say, “thank you.” So, they will be at the Church to join him to thank God. No doubt, those who have come across Sir Onyeme always have one or two positive things to say about him, because of the assistance he has rendered to them when they were in need. So, they will be at Ibabu to say, “God, thank you for the life of Onyeme.”

3. The Odoziani Group: This is one of the most formidable socio-political organizations in Delta State. At first, it was limited to the three local government areas -Ndokwa West, Ndokwa East and Ukwuani, but when Sir Onyeme emerged as the Deputy Governorship candidate of the Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, in the state, the group became pan-Delta with branches in Okpe, Warri, Asaba and other places. The group is a great mobilizer of men and resources; so, with their “Principal” having a thanksgiving, they will naturally be at Ibabu to celebrate with him. Odoziani, which literarily translates to, “the man with the Midas touch,” was a Chieftaincy title given to Sir Onyeme.

4. Politicians: The administration of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori is still very young; so, there is bound to be a lot of politicians from all over the country attending the thanksgiving service. One group that is made up of professionals in politics is the Ndokwa Core Group. The Core Group is mainly made up of tested technocrats, call the group a Think Tank and you might not be wrong. Sir Onyeme is the leader of the group and members of the group are seeing the thanksgiving is a special event for them.

5. Organisations/Clubs: Sir Onyeme belongs to many organisations and clubs. It is on record that the first set of persons to pay him a courtesy visit on his assumption of office as the Deputy Governor were members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria, ICAN; so, it will not be surprising to see members of ICAN, Lions Club International, among several others attend the ceremony billed to commence at exactly 10 am.

6. Colleagues: This is as bogus as you can imagine. He was a lecturer, Bursar of several institutions, Accountant of organisations, Chairman of several oranizations, and a politician. So, his colleagues cut across different fields of life and expectedly, his colleagues will be most happy to identify with him as he gives thanks to God for His goodness.

Of course, it is not possible for me to know all about him, but one can imagine what one will witness at Ibabu on Sunday. Ibabu can be accessed from different areas. From Iselegu Junction, that is for someone making use of the Asaba/Kwale road, you can use the tarred road straight to Ibabu. Also, there is a tarred road straight from Obiaruku through Utagba-Uno to Ugiliamai and Ibabu.

Also, from Obiaruku through Amai, Ogume to Ibabu is a tarred road. However, for those who desire to use earth roads, they can pass through the less than 7 kilometre road from Ossissa to Ugiliamai to Ibabu.

During the opening of St. John’s Anglican Church in September, 2019, the then Bishop of Ndokwa Diocese of the Anglican Communion, Right Reverend David Obiosa, in a sermon, said, “The whole duty of man is to serve the Lord. We are here for the dedication of this church and the vicarage built by Sir Monday Onyeme, a Knight of St. Christopher for a purpose; it is a place for prayer for the worship of God who made us and has continued to empower us.”

Sir Monday Onyeme, Deputy Governor of Delta State

At that ceremony, the immediate-past Governor of Delta State, said, “building for the Lord is the best gift you can give when God blesses you. Building physical structures for the Lord is good, but the greatest gift you can give is what you do in your heart. My prayer is that the prayers said in this place will uplift the people.”

God has really blessed Sir Onyeme. Thanking God has a lot of benefits and for this special occasion of the Deputy Governor of Delta State, Sir Monday Onyeme, going for thanksgiving, we can say that his action is adhering strictly with the injunction of the scriptures, “And on that day you will say, “Give thanks to the LORD, call on His name. Make known His deeds among the peoples; make them remember that His name is exalted.” Praise the LORD in song, for He has done glorious things, let this be known throughout the earth.” Isaiah 12:4-5


The writer, Comrade Fidelis Egugo, is an author, and a journalist.


As an Ecological Conservationist and Indigenous Minority Rights Activist, it is my top obligation to opine on the recent order for evacuation by infected states as a response to the Federal Government’s issue of a disaster warning through the Federal Ministry of Environment and the National Emergency Management Agency of the possibility of massive floods. In reality, it is not enough to caution against the annual flooding, erosion, and other disasters experienced and their effect on the lives of Nigerians residing in those geographical regions, both economically and culturally.


At this stage, the nonchalance towards supposed lessons that should have been learned from previous rainy seasons by the authorities in charge must be pointed out.


Year-in, year-out, all we hear from the government is the issuance of a warning for evacuation without proper logistics or mechanisms in place to make it an easy process for the citizens. Instead of well-constructed Internally Displaced Persons Centers and proper welfare and resettlement plans that meet International practice standards, when the flood finally comes, the government of the day at all levels will reluctantly go ahead to set up chaotic flood-displaced persons settlements in unsafe environments such as school compounds, and the aftermath will abandon the people to their fate after a few weeks.


This had become the norm without going to the drawing board in preparation to tackle the cause of flooding, which significantly should involve the proper dredging of the River Niger and adjoining rivers in coastal areas like the Warri River, the setting up of coastal management, shoreline protection, especially in riverine communities, and the building of bigger dams, to name a few.


No doubt, the rural and riverine areas are the most deeply affected but are still neglected in the face of all this. A practical example is Ajudiabo-Ugborodo, Ekekporo, Ebokiti, Ugbege, and other coastal communities cutting across the three Warri Local Government Areas that have been affected by floods and erosion in recent years without any response prior to, during, or post-flooding. Local residents had unfortunately become riverine nomads. A situation that had placed them on the verge of abandoning their homeland; hence, their ancestral home might go extinct. This makes it look obvious that the well-being of those residents in the flood-prone areas is of lesser concern to all stakeholders, including the federal and state governments and their agencies, upon whom the onion of responsibility on such matters rests, as they seem to go to sleep immediately the raining days are over and resurface the following season to issue warnings and evacuation notices without any form of preparation.


Another defunct method is the one applied by the authorities in communicating disaster alerts, warnings, and evacuation notices. It is hard for the residents of rural areas (especially the riverine areas) that are mostly affected to get access to those warnings. The government needs to employ a more realistic and penetrating means of passing that relevant information to those in rural and riverine areas who don’t have access to the internet or national newspapers.


Concerned citizens, mostly professionals, advocates, and the civil society community from the Ecological Conservation and Environmental Protection sector, of which I am part and parcel, are not left out in all of this. They should brace up and do more to see that the Nigerian government and her relevant agencies are living up to expectations as it relates to the implementation of international practices in terms of areas prone to flooding, erosion, and other natural disasters during the rainy season. Monitoring and questioning how government agencies such as her environmental commissions and emergency intervention agencies, etc., utilize ecological conservation and disaster emergency funds, whether those funds are internally allocated, from a local third party, or through international intervention, lies on our shoulders as professions, advocates, and CSOs.


Going forward, for the sake of humanity and societal good, Federal and State governments, not excluding relevant agencies, should do more than predict or issue disaster warnings and advise citizens to evacuate. Of course, they are obligated to be in line with the social contracts guided by the democratic processes through which their administration came to be.


Ojumude Tosan Bishop,
Ecological Conservation and Indigenous Minorities Rights Activist.
Warri, Delta State.


Michelle O. Edemenaha

Edemenaha Oghenerunor Michelle, is a student of the Faculty of Law, Delta State University, Oleh Campus, wrote on the pains and gains of the recent fuel pump price hike due to subsidy removal by the Nigeria Government.


Nigeria, a country with one of the largest oil reserves in Africa, has recently experienced a significant fuel price hike, causing both pain and gains for its citizens and the economy at large. The increase in fuel prices has sparked heated debates, discussions, protests, and widespread concerns among its citizens. Understanding the pains and gains resulting from this increase is crucial in assessing its overall effects. In this article, we will delve into the reasons behind the fuel price hike, explore the hardships faced by the Nigerian population, and analyze the potential benefits that may arise from this decision.

The fuel price hike can be attributed to several factors. Notably, the global rise in crude oil prices has had a direct impact on the cost of petroleum products within the country. As Nigeria heavily relies on oil exports, fluctuations in international oil markets affect its domestic fuel prices. Additionally, the depreciation of the Nigerian currency, the Naira, against major foreign currencies has further contributed to the increase in fuel prices. This, coupled with the scarcity of foreign exchange and the need to import refined petroleum products have led to higher costs, which are eventually passed on to the consumers.

Characteristically, the immediate consequences of the fuel price hike have hit Nigerian citizens hard. As fuel prices increase, public transportation fares rise, burdening commuters who heavily rely on buses, taxis, and motorcycles for their daily commute leading to a surge in the prices of goods and services across the country. This burden is especially felt by low-income earners and vulnerable groups, who constitute a significant portion of the Nigerian population as the increased cost of living puts additional strain on households, making it harder for individuals to meet their basic needs. Moreover, businesses face higher operational costs, which result in layoffs and reduced job opportunities, further exacerbating the economic challenges faced by the populace. For many Nigerians, fuel is not only used for transportation but also for powering generators due to the unreliable electricity supply in the country. The increase in fuel prices has amplified the already high cost of running generators, making it more challenging for individuals and businesses to cope with the rising expenses.

While the fuel price hike brings about short-term pains, there are potential gains that Nigeria can reap in the long run. The government has argued that the increase is necessary to address subsidy inefficiencies, reduce corruption, and redirect funds towards critical sectors such as education, healthcare, and infrastructure development. By removing fuel subsidies, the government aims to create a more transparent and accountable system that can better allocate resources for the benefit of the entire nation. If properly managed, the additional revenue generated from the fuel price hike could be channeled into projects that foster economic growth and improve the standard of living for Nigerians in the future.

Firstly, the increase in fuel prices can generate additional revenue for the government through taxes and duties imposed on petroleum products. These funds can be channeled towards infrastructure development, public services, and other government projects.

Secondly, higher fuel prices can incentivize investments in local refining capacity such as modular refineries, reducing the country’s dependence on imported petroleum products. This can contribute to the growth of the domestic refining industry and promote self-sufficiency in the long run.

Thirdly, the increase in fuel prices could incentivize investments in alternative energy sources and promote the development of renewable energy infrastructure within the country. This shift towards cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions could reduce Nigeria’s dependence on fossil fuels, mitigate environmental pollution, and potentially lower energy costs in the long run.

Fourthly, the fuel price hike could serve as a catalyst for economic diversification. Nigeria, being an oil-dependent economy, has long recognized the need to reduce its reliance on oil revenues. The increase in fuel prices may encourage the government to implement policies aimed at promoting other sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and technology. This diversification could lead to job creation, increased foreign investment, and a more resilient and sustainable economy in the future.

Furthermore, it is important to note that the perception of the fuel price hike and its impacts can vary among different individuals and sectors of society. While some may experience more hardships, others may find opportunities or benefits. Overall, the fuel price hike in Nigeria has a complex set of consequences that need to be carefully analyzed and addressed to mitigate the negative impacts and maximize the gains.


In conclusion, the recent fuel price hike in Nigeria has undoubtedly caused short-term pains and hardship for the population, with increased transportation costs and a higher cost of living. The protests and public outrage reflect the frustrations of the Nigerian people who demand greater transparency and accountability in the management of the country’s oil resources. However, it is important to look beyond the immediate challenges and consider the long-term gains. Thus, while the immediate effects include increased living costs and economic challenges, there is a potential for the nation to benefit in the long run through improved governance and redirected funds for vital sectors. The fuel price hike could serve as a catalyst for economic diversification and the development of alternative energy sources, leading to a more sustainable and prosperous future for Nigeria.

It is crucial for the government to strike a balance between short-term relief measures and long-term development strategies to ensure that the sacrifices made by the people yield tangible and sustainable improvements. By addressing the concerns of its citizens and effectively managing the newfound resources, while simultaneously implementing policies that promote economic growth and environmental sustainability, Nigeria can overcome the pains and harness the gains for a brighter future.


Michelle O. Edemenaha

Onyeme Identifies Routes To Political Growth

The Deputy Governor of Delta State, Sir Monday Onyeme, has harped the importance of integrity and loyalty in the advancement of political office holders.

Onyeme made this remark while playing host to members of the Ndokwa West Local Government Legislative Arm in his office at the Delta State Government House, Asaba.


The deputy governor, while responding to the request of the legislators on the issue of single tenure for some councilors in some political wards in the local government, said the only means through which younger politicians could rise politically was to be loyal to leaders and show integrity at all times.

Continuing, Onyeme emphasised the need for the councilors to be loyal to leaders, and assured them that the single tenure would be looked into critically, stressing that a single tenure was not enough, nor healthy for political advancement.

“For you to advance politically, you should be somebody of high integrity and loyalty. Because, if people doubt your loyalty or integrity, your political carrier is already in trouble.

“So, I am using this opportunity to advise that just as we will look into your demand, we also need your loyalty,” he stressed.

The deputy governor also promised to present some of their demands, such as provision of tarred road, electricity and other social amenities, in the next year budget for execution.

Earlier, The Majority Leader of the Ndokwa West Legislative Arms, Hon. Barth Inneh Ozah, who spoke on behalf of legislators, drew the attention of the deputy governor to lack of electricity supply and good road in many communities within the local governments area.

Ozah, while congratulating Sir Onyeme on his victory at the poll, described him as jinx breaker and thanked him for appointment of Sir Osakwe as the Deputy Chief of staff who he described as their own.

FAKE NEWS: Real Estate Mogul Sue For Objective Reportage Over Land Tussle.

A real estate developer Chief Chinazor Ezeayom has cautioned newsmen in Anamabra state against the promotion of fake news which he said was dangerous to the community and against the ethics of the profession.


Chief Ezeayom made this known while addressing newsmen on a publication published by some online media companies and Trinitas Newspaper on the 12th of June 2023.

In the publication it was reported that “Chief Ezeayom was a notorious land grabber and was brazenly building a major block of stores on the main road without any approval and authorization from the Anambra state Physical Planning Board or other authorising governmental agencies responsible for approval as it concerns to construction of structures”

He noted that it was quite unfortunate and unprofessional that the reporter went ahead to use such unprintable words to describe his personality and as such defamed and debased him in the eyes of the public.

Clearing the air over the spurious publication which was sponsored by one Mr Ifeanyi Anaeme who he said has been fomenting trouble over the acquistion of a plot of land situated at Otigba Enuovuve Layout Nkwelle-Ezunaka  in Oyi Local Government Area in Anamabra state.


Chief Ezeayom said trouble started after he commenced construction of a block of stores on a plot of land which he bought in 2016 from the Akpuwku family who were the bonafide owners of the plot of land.


Surprisingly Mr Ifeanyi Anaeme attempted to stop the construction using thugs but was resisted and he later went on to invite policemen of the Anti cult unit and also officers of Zone 13 on the ground that the plot of land was being used for cult meetings and encroachment of government land.


But after their investigation it was discovered that his claims were false and was advised to steer clear of the plot of land.


Mr Ezeayom said he then continued with the construction only for him to come across a publication captioned “Anambra residents raise alarm over illegal structure, petitions Gov Soludo”.

wherein Mr Ifeanyi Aneme used a fictitious name of Mr. John Okafor under the guise of the chairman of Concerned Residence and Landlords Otigba Enuovuve layout made all kind of unsubstantiated claims which was not verified by the reporter and publisher of the fake news.


He noted with disdain that the actions of the reporters and media companies involved in the publication was tantamount to libel and if not retracted a law suit will be instituted against them.


When contacted the head of the Akpuwku family confirmed that the family sold the plot of land to Chief Ezeayom who shares a boundary with Ifeanyi Aneme who also had purchased four plots of land from the family but his grouse was that he had plans of buying the plot of land currently owned by Chief Ezeayom and that might suggest why he has embarked on a media trial of Chief Ezeayom who has satisfied all conditions of ownership of the land through outright payment for the land and other levies approved by the relevant authorities.


Asaba the capital city of Delta state has been described as a fertile land for both small and medium sized businesses to thrive.

The Managing Director of Onej pharmacy Pastor Kenneth Obi stated this during the Official opening of Spring outfit Boutique BENEMMA plaza Asaba.

Pastor Kenneth Obi who encourages investors to start having Asaba in mind as a choice place for investment commended the management of Spring Outfits for the classy stock they put in place saying that the opening of the outfit will safe Asaba residents and it’s environs the stress of going to onitsha and lagos to buy their wears.

He appealed to the state government to continue to sustain the peace and security in Asaba and it’s environs to enable investors operate in a conducive environment.

Pastor Obi advised the management of Spring Outfits ensure that their prices are affordable.

The Manager of Spring Outfits and others who spoke expressed joy for the quality of the stock in the Boutique and the location which can easily be accessed.

Others who spoke said the outfit will end their search for a quality foreign and local materials.

Spring Outfits which is located at BENEMMA plaza by NTA Road Asaba is a new business outfits.

Oborevwori’s N40bn Request Granted

Rt. Hon. Emomotimi Dennis Guwor

By Augustine Akanigha

In it’s maiden plenary after inauguration of the 8th Assembly, the Delta State House of Assembly (DTHA), on Tuesday, 27th June, 2023, unanimously approved the State Governor, Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s request of forty billion naira (N40,000,000,000.00) Credit facility offers by Zenith Bank PLC to the Association of Local Governments of Nigeria (ALGON) Delta State Chapter to defray substantial part of outstanding retirement benefits to Local Governments Pensioners.

Oborevwori and Guwor

The approval was sequel to a letter from the state Governor address to the Lawmakers, and red on the floor of the house by the presiding Speaker, Rt. Hon. Guwor Emomotimi Dennis.

According to the letter, the Governor informed the House that his administration was collaborating with the State Chapter of the ALGON to reduce the backlog of accumulated pension owed retired Primary School teachers and Local Government employees, which was anticipated to help alleviate the plight of senior citizens of the State who served and retired at the Local Government level.

Emomotimi Dennis Guwor

According to Governor Oborevwori’s request letter “Zenith Bank Plc has availed the 25 Local Government Councils in the State the said facility in a prorated manner, in tune with their respective indebtedness to pensioners, for which offer letters have been served to all the LGAs by the Bank.”

Reasons given to the State Lawmakers by Governor Oborevwori for the facility include Special Reason conditions precedent as well as Global Standard Instruction (GSD) Mandate/Set-off Agreement, that a were expected to be met by the Obligor (the respective Local Governments) and relevant stakeholders, including an approval by the DTHA.

Rt. Hon. Emomotimi Dennis Guwor

The motion for the approval was moved by the Majority Leader of the House and Member, Representing Aniocha North State Constituency, Hon. (Engr.) Emeka Nwaobi which was seconded by Hon. Perkins Umukoro, Member, Representing Sapele State Constituency.

Rt. Hon. Emomotimi Dennis Guwor


President Bola Tinubu on Wednesday in Lagos urged Nigerians to have faith in God that the country will experience peace, stability and prosperity.

Speaking to reporters after observing the Eid-el-Kabir prayers at Dodan Barracks prayer ground, the President stressed the need for unity and cooperation, appealing to Nigerians to eschew ethnic and religious rivalries.

While noting that Allah would not burden the country with what it cannot bear, the President said:

”I thank Almighty Allah for keeping us in good health till today and pray to Him to grant us robust health and prosperity. May our sacrifices turn to prosperity. We have to make the sacrifices and that is clear, we have to.

”But Allah will not give you a burden that you cannot carry. He is there for us. We must have faith in the country. Have faith in ourselves, believing that as citizens of this country, we must join hands to build the nation.

”No religious identity, no tribal identity, let us live with one another in joy and prosperity. Nigeria will see peace, stability and God will grant peace to those of us at the warfront.”

The President also used the occasion to pray for Nigerian troops in the frontline in the fight against insurgency, saying it is his earnest desire and that of the nation that they emerge victorious.

The Eid prayer, which started at 9 a.m. was led by the Chief Imam of Lagos State, Sheikh Sulaiman Oluwatoyin Abu-Nolah.

The Chief Imam later performed the obligatory slaughtering of ram at the Eid prayer ground in celebration of the significance of the noble act of Prophet Ibrahim in total obedience to Allah’s command.

Speaking on behalf of Lagos State Governor Babajide Sanwo-Olu, Deputy Governor Obafemi Hamzat felicitated Muslims across Nigeria and in the state for the joy of the Eid-el-Kabir celebration, urging them to unite behind President Tinubu in his determination to make the country better.

“It is our duty to pray for our leaders. We must pray for our President that God should help him to succeed in the task before him.”

The prayer was attended by the Chief of Staff to the President, Hon. Femi Gbajabiamila, the National Security Adviser, Mallam Nuhu Ribadu, former Governor of Lagos State and immediate past Minister of Works and Housing, Mr. Babatunde Fashola, Speaker of the State House of Assembly, Hon. Mudashiru Obasa, among other notable government officials and top politicians.

Onyeme To Spiritual Leaders, “We Count On Your Support Always”

By Jonathan Afesuku

The Deputy Governor of Delta State, Sir Monday Onyeme, has attributed the success story of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori at the polls and successes recorded as a government to the handiwork of God.

According to Sir Onyeme, God’s work can be seen with the way the activities of the state government is being piloted.

He stated this on Tuesday at his office, Government House, Asaba, when the leadership of Christian Community Partners, CCP, paid him a courtesy call.

The deputy governor, disclosed that the administration of Rt. Hon. Oborevwori is solely dependent on God and urged spiritual leaders and all Deltans to continuously pray for the success of the administration.

He observed that with prayers and all Deltans doing what is expected of them in supporting government and its activities, the administration will not be distracted in delivering without hitches, the M.O.R.E. Agenda.

“I want to thank you, our spiritual leaders, because, we are aware that you supported us in several ways for us to emerge victorious in the elections and you keep on supporting us in your prayers and in all you do for us all to enjoy the benefits of good governance; we are aware that God is sustaining this administration.

“Don’t relent in your support for us as a government, continue to intercede for us before our God Almighty, for His protection and we shall always have reasons to thank God and be proud that we are Deltans,” Sir Onyeme said.

The President of the group, Bishop Greatman Nmalagu, revealed that God ordained the victory of Rt. Hon. Oborevwori and Sir Onyeme at the polls, assuring that they will continue to pray for the administration to succeed.

“We are doing what we have to do as Christians because we believe in the Divine mandate of Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborovwori and Sir Monday Onyeme,” he stated.

During the visit, there were sessions of prayers and praise singing to God for His goodness to Deltans by ensuring the victory of Rt. Hon. Oborevwori and Sir Onyeme at the polls.

Highlight of the visit which was witnessed by the Secretary, PDP, Delta State, Engr Dan Ossai and the Deputy Chief of Staff, Government House, Sir Christopher Osakwe, was the presentation of the Holy Bible, Daily Reading Devotional pamphlet, among other religious materials to the Deputy Governor.

Education Should Be At The Reach Of Every Deltan, Says Onyeme


Delta State Deputy Governor, Sir Monday Onyeme, has said that quality education should be at the reach of every Deltan.

Onyeme made the statement on Tuesday at his office, Government House, Asaba, when he played host to members of the National Open University of Nigeria Alumni Association, NOUNAA, Delta State Chapter.

According to him, it was because of the need for education to be at the reach of every Nigerian that the NOUN was established.

He said, “our desire as a government is that every local government area in our state should have one study centre of NOUN, that was the concept for establishing the Open University.

“For every local government area to have a study centre, there are roles that the host communities should play before the institution is established in their domain.

”Our dream is for the study centres to be in every local government area in our state, but as a government, it is not possible for us to go ahead to create study centers for communities.”

He thanked members of NOUNAA for identifying with him, assuring that as an individual who worked in the university in its formative stages for more than nine years, he will continue to identify with the ideals of NOUN and urged members of NOUNAA to always bring out their best to support the Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s administration to succeed in Delta State.

The deputy governor noted that the success of the administration will translate to success of all Deltans.

Chairman of NOUNAA, Delta State chapter, Mr. Collins Abuah, expressed joy that Sir Onyeme emerged as the Deputy Governor of Delta State and congratulated him for his successful assumption of office, stating that “Sir Onyeme is a father-figure in the National Open University of Nigeria.”

The Secretary, Peoples Democratic Party, PDP, Delta State chapter, Engr. Dan Ossai, the Deputy Chief of Staff, Government House, Sir Christopher Osakwe, among others, were in attendance during the visit.