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Tributes Pour In As Johngold Buries Mother

By Cmr Wilbet Ijeoma

It was a beehive of burial activities on the 2nd day of December 2023 as the Publicity Secretary of University of Ibadan Alumni Association (UIAA) Worldwide, Comrade Enitan Abel Johngold Orheruata, who also doubles as the Chairman, Federal Information Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Delta State Council, buried his mother Late Deaconess Victoria Omatie Esiorho at Jesse Town, Ethiope West LGA of Delta State.

The occasion was graced by state and national dignitaries, officers of the Nigeria Police Force as well as representatives of unions, associations and agency who turned up with their tributes and of which Comrade Abel Johngold is prominently a member. Conspicuous in the occasion were the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) Delta State Council led by the State Chairman Comrade Churchill Oyowe who was represented by the State Vice Chairman, Comrade Felix Ekwu, Delta Online Publishers Forum (DOPF) led by Comrade Emmanuel Enebeli of Ndokwa Reporters, Nigeria Institute of Public Relations (NIPR), the Nigeria Police Force, National Orientation Agency (NOA) Delta State Directorate led by Mr. Chris Anyabuine ably represented by the Chief Orientation and Mobilization Officer in Sapele LGA, Mrs Bridget Ede, Federal Information Chapel of the NUJ Delta State Council represented by its Secretary, Comrade Wilbet Ijeoma, University of Ibadan Alumni Association (UIAA), Asaba Chapter and Worldwide, as well as National Association of Seadogs (NAS).

The occasion also had the eminence and presence of the Chief Press Secretary of Delta State Governor, Chief Festus Ahon and the immediate past State Chairman of the NUJ Delta State Council, Comrade Michael Ikeogwu.


“In this time of mourning, there wouldn’t have been a better time time to have you all than now”; Johngold expressed, as he thanked his colleagues and associates from all ranks who came in their numbers to honour him on the occasion of his mother’s burial.

“Late Deaconess Victoria Omatie Esiorho was outspoken, hardworking and appreciated by those who loved truth, justice and fairness; a no nonsense woman who always stood by the truth; a retired Superintendent of Police who headed many divisional headquarters of the Nigeria Police Force as DTO, DCO and DPO”; Johngold remarked, as he read his mother’s biography amid hope of fulfilment of a life well spent.

“When is it ideal to die, Mummy mi?”; Johngold queried, as he made a difficult tribute of his late mother and believed that death is an eventuality and part of fulfilment in life. Johngold continued… “The Heroine of IWETA and MABIAKU Dynasties….. Mother and Friend…….You will forever remain in Our Hearts……We remember You today and Always……Rest in Peace Our Dear Mother…..Rest In Perfect Peace Deaconess Victoria Omatie Iweta Esiorho (Mrs)”.

In an appreciation message, Comrade Abel Johngold together with his elegant wife Lady Bridget Onome Johngold, on behalf of their families, expressed profound gratitude to his colleagues, friends and well-wishers for their calls, support and presence during the burial ceremony of his beloved mother, and pray God Almighty to grant them safe journey back to their respective destinations in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


MALARIA ERADICATION: ACOMIN Says It’s A Silent Killer That Needs Urgent Attention 

The Delta state Civil Society in Malaria Control and Immunization, ACOMIN, has called on government at all levels to provide adequate financial and human resources to supplement international support for the elimination of malaria in the state and nation at large.

The State Programme Officer on Malaria Control, Austin Uwede, who made the call during a brief for state media meeting on the global fund malaria community led monitoring project, noted that their presence in Aniocha South, Oshimili South, Ughelli South, Ughelli North, Ndokwa West, Isoko North, Patani and Sapele Local Government Areas of the state, has led to increased ingenuity, flexibility in tackling challenges and enhanced accountability in Primary Healthcare Centers situated in these 8LGAs.

Uwede insisted that for Nigeria to progress in the control and elimination of malaria, measures like mosquito avoidance, improved access to diagnostic and treatment, health education, promotion and community partnership, should be implemented.

ACOMIN Chairman, Greg Sifo, insisted that all hands must be on deck to control and eradicate Malaria from our communities as it keeps claiming the lives of masses.

However, Community Based Organisation Officers, attributed their success stories and achievements for the past 6months to constant advocacies that they carried out in their different LGAs.

Following the call to action on the control and eradication of Malaria in our various communities, the Society for Family Health, SFH, has encouraged the use of mosquito nets in our homes.

The Social Behaviour Change Communication Advisor, Mercy Momoh, during the brief for state media meeting on the global fund malaria community led monitoring project, insisted that the use of mosquito nets will go a long way to help eradicate malaria as mosquitoes will not have contact with the human body.

She also emphasized on the need to maintain a clean environment and other means of eradicating malaria to avoid mosquitoes breeding in those areas.


In Act III, Scene I, of the William Shakespeare play, King Henry IV, the title character says, “Deny it to a king? Then happy low, lie down! Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” This scenario explicitly expresses how tough, complex and herculean, leadership responsibility could be to those who shoulder them.

Leadership is the art of motivating or inspiring a group of people to act towards achieving a common goal, great leaders intervene in times of crisis and are able to think out of the box creatively in difficult situations in a bid to surmount the challenges. In human existence, leadership role is very strategic, the absence of leadership connotes social disorder. Its absence brings about a people without control. Great leadership also comes with great control bringing about a time of great achievements, a period of hope for the people that have it.

The Delta-State, All Progressive Congress (APC), waited such a long time to reach a period of great political leadership. Then came Distinguished Senator Ovie Omo-Agege a leader who epitomises great leadership skills with perfect combination of great emotional intelligence competencies, having achieved several significant feats Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege came with the requisite vigour, intelligence, know-how, positive influence and immense political experience into the APC in Delta and turned around the fortunes of APC in Delta. Ovie Omo-Agege, came into the Delta APC, bringing along with him a reign of great progress.

He came in demonstrating that firstly the Delta APC could have a sitting Senator, in 2019 he returned again to the Senate proving to the world that APC was electable in Delta. Through his dogged effort also came a House of Representatives Member, Hon. waive and two House of Assembly Members in Delta at that time.

In 2019 Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege was elected again as a Senator representing Delta Central Senatorial District upon which he was elected number two of the Senate, he became the Deputy Senate President of the Nigerian Senate at that time, a position that made the Delta APC so proud.

Ovie Omo-Agege used his position as the then Deputy Senate President to further prove his Statesmanship by accommodating all shades of deltans as aids even though his primary representation was that of the Delta Central Senatorial District. Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege during this time attracted numerous federal political appointments and immense infrastructural development to Delta all to the credit of the Delta APC.

Then came a time, he had to reorganize the party but shortly before this time directly or indirectly through Omo-Agege’s positive influence a Deltan Stella Okotete became the interim national Woman leader of the APC. Some of the positions thought to have been reserved for some APC special states

Shortly after this time, it is believed that President Muhamedu Buhari, the president of Nigeria at that time, at the instance of Sen. Ovie Omoagege had to cancel his London trip to welcome a political bigwig from Delta, Sen. Peter Onyelokachukwu Nwaoboshi, who represented the people of Delta North Senatorial District at that time making APC’s Senators in Delta two at that time.

Then, he had to reorganize the party, the APC in Delta. Firstly, he brought a renowned politician and political vetran, Elder Omeni Sobotie who has contributed immensely to the growth and expansion of the party to become the State Party Chairman a clear message to the opposition in Delta that it was no longer business as usual and other executives of the Party were elected at the congresses, giving The APC a different look in Delta, a look of seriousness and readiness for serious political business.

Then, through Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege’s positive influence and political instrumentality, again a deltan, Barr. Felix Morka became the spokes person of the largest political party(APC) in Africa. Barr Felix Morka a quintessential lawyer of Anioma extraction who has become a nightmare to the APC oppositions in Nigeria’s national political space through his effective cum efficient work ethic and performance.

Like a traditional war lord, Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege all through the electioneering period led the APC Delta into the 2023 general election fighting gallantly and relentlessly politically, roaring like a Lion through the length and breadth of Delta during his campaigns sounding and resounding the presence and electability of the APC in Delta.

Like the mother hen would cover its young chicks with its feathers Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege, provided a cover through his unequalled skilled political leadership style for every other APC candidate in Delta during the 2023 election and including President Bola Tinubu whom Ovie Omo-Agege also campaigned vigorously on his behalf.

Against all odds even considering the fact that the PDP Vice Presidential Candidate at that time, Dr. Ifeanyi Okowa was a two time incumbent Governor of Delta State which presented a very dificult scenerio to convince deltans at that time about another presidential ticket but Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege took it upon himself to convince a huge chunk of deltans in the direction of Bola Amed Tinubu’s presidential ticket.

After the 2023 general elections through the political leadership and instrumentality of Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege the APC in Delta gained more grounds and remained politically afloat. The APC in Delta retained two Senatorial seats out of the three in Delta, Sen. Ede Dafinone representing Delta Central Senatorial district and Sen. Joel Onowakpo representing Delta South Senatorial District. A House of Representatives Member and six Delta State House of Assembly Seats/Members.

I have decided not to talk about the 2023 gubernatorial election in Delta state because of its judicial involvement but you can deceive some people some time but you can not deceive all the people all the time. A certain African adage has it that the constantly sick person shall meet with the medicine prepared with pepper. It is not over until it’s over and I know, politics is not for the swift, because it’s not a sprint but a marathon (long distance) race.

Directly or indirectly a Minister, an NDDC Chairman, and an NDDC representative, representing Delta has been appointed onto Delta APC. Wether through Omo-Agege’s influence or not, at leash there was someone to announce to the world and indeed the Nigerian Federal Government that there is a formidable APC in Delta, worthy of represention.

Today the Delta – State Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)most especially, and other political parties in Delta are dazed vis-a-vis how the puppet APC of yesterday in Delta that used to be only for the settlement and manipulation has now become a political giant and political weaponry in the hands of Distinguished Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege. No wonder the American essayist, lecturer, philosopher, abolitionist, and poet, who led the transcendentalist movement of the mid-19th century, Ralph Waldo Emerson once said “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

We in the Delta – State APC must continue to appreciate and remain grateful to Sen. Ovie Omo-Agege for building a formidable platform for us to soar politically.

Hon. Samuel Ekene Kerry,
APC Chairman Ika North East LGA, Delta State reflecting aloud from Owerre Olubor in Ika North East LGA of Delta State.

Fear of the long shadow

*By Oghenejirokowho Olokor*

These are unusual times in politics and for politicians. Despite the dubious perception that the Bimodal Voter Accreditation System (BVAS) platform introduced by the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has had limited impact on making the people’s vote count, the stunning victory of Labour Party’s Peter Obi in Lagos is one sterling outcome pundits have been unable to dismiss as something that could have been impossible to achieve without the BVAS in the presidential poll.

Similarly, the outcome of the presidential and gubernatorial election in Oyo State where Governor Seyi Makinde never disguised his disapproval of PDP’s unimaginative and provocative choice of its presidential candidate showed that he was able to give vent to his stance on equity without jeopardizing his re-election as governor of his state.

In Delta State where the National Assembly election’s outcome have been affirmed by the courts, the fact that APC comfortably picked two of three senatorial seats has made it implausible to logically explain the emergence of a political place holder that was single-handedly made the Speaker of Delta State House of Assembly by Senator Ifeanyi Okowa as governor. And he it was who foisted the same on the state to continue a third agenda.

And the toxic nature of the charade has not taken long to unravel. Governor Sheriff Oborevwori has been unable to fill two critical portfolios – Information and Justice – because he has been unable to obtain the green light of the real power behind the stolen throne. Even the motley crowd of inexperienced and visionless men and women that were made commissioners has not been able to initiate any move on actual governance. Six months into the place-holding administration, all they do is inspect ongoing projects where they go through the motion without movement.

In Delta State, the people now derisively call them “POINTus pilates”, reminiscent of when Lagos governor, Babajide Sanwo-Olu genuinely inspected projects he was executing. But can the commissioners be blamed? Of course not. They simply lack leadership. Governor Oborevwori has not done anything to inspire them.
Rather, Oborevwori has been overtaken by the fear of the inevitable. Having seen how the innovative measures introduced by INEC are now used to uphold the people’s verdict and bearing in mind the overwhelming victory of the Delta APC in the Senate election, the governor has basically abandoned governance in pursuit of illusive political straws to hang on to.

That the people of Delta State have been yearning for genuine change in leadership is not lost on the place holder governor. They saw in Ovie Omo-Agege the fresh path to development. Oborevwori knows how the electoral process was brazenly manipulated to put him in power. He knows that unlike the Election Petitions Tribunal which operated under a very challenging atmosphere in Delta State, his “victory” will not stand the independent scrutiny of higher courts.

Apparently in anticipation of the fate that awaits them, they have resorted to using fake names to sponsor articles suggesting that Ovie Omo-Agege has been bought over by Chief James Ibori.
To the uninformed media hacks, that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu appointed some of the best hands and technocrats who played very big roles in the massive electoral fortunes of the APC in Delta State is proof of their unfounded allegation. They forgot or just did not know that it was the turn of Delta State to produce the board chairman of NDDC in addition to a statutory representative of the state in the board.

If Deltans are yearning for a new leadership that will bring the state out of perfidy that was its unfortunate lot under Okowa, and Ibori is a Deltan and leader, then he has made the right call. This is not to suggest that there is such development between Ibori and Omo-Agege. The former Deputy President of the Senate has always been his own man. He has a road map to accelerating the development of Delta which the people have bought into.

As our people say, when a man fouls his community, the sight of his ever constant shadow evokes morbid fear in him. For Oborevwori and his group, the time of the long shadow has come.

*_Mr. Oghenejirokowho Olokor writes from Asaba._*

NUJ Commiserates With Delta NAWOJ Scribe, Tracy lkolomi On The Passing Of Husband, Dcn. Basil Ikolomi

The Federal Information Chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ), Delta State Council, has expressed sadness at the news of the demise of Deacon Basil Ikolomi, husband of the State Secretary of National Association of Women Journalists (NAWOJ) and Deputy Director (DD) of the National Orientation Agency (NOA), Delta State Directorate, Comrade Tracy Omamode Ikolomi.

In a condolence message signed by the Chapel’s Chairman and Secretary, Comrades Abel Johngold and Wilbet Ijeoma, they conveyed the Chapel’s empathy to the family of Comrade Tracy Omamode Okeme family of Aragba in Okpe LGA and Late Basil Ikolomi Oduduru family of Aviara community in Isoko South Local Government Area, where the deceased hailed from.

Until his death, the late Basil Ikolomi Oduduru was a Deputy Director in the Dela State Ministry of Agriculture and Natural Resources.

Commiserating with the two families, the Chapel’s leadership stated that the heart of the Chapel goes out to them on their bereavement, and prayed that God Almighty would stand with them, comfort them, and give them grace to bear this irreparable loss.


“The loss of a loved one and a loving husband is always touching, yet we must accept and come to terms when God, the author and giver of life, allows it to happen.

“Our Leader, Comrade Tracy Ikolomi, be assured that the Federal Information Chapel of NUJ Delta State Council stands solidly with you and your beloved children at this time of grief and always.

“May the gentle soul of your dearly departed rest peacefully in the warm bosom of the Lord, Amen.

“Please accept the Chapel’s heartfelt condolences,”

Cmr. Abel Johngold(Chapel Chairman)

Cmr. Wilbet Ijeoma (Chapel Secretary)

Buratai Arrives Ibadan To Deliver UIAA Lecture On National Security Tomorrow


Former Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Amb. Lt. General Tukur Yusufu Buratai (rtd), CFR, who arrived Ibadan Airport in company of eminent personalities today is expected to deliver a lecture on “National Security” in Nigeria at the University of Ibadan, UI tomorrow.


He would be the Guest Speaker at the University of Ibadan Alumni Association (UIAA), Worldwide, 2023 2nd Stanza National Public Service Lecture.

Lt. General Buratai, the immediate past Nigeria’s Ambassador to the Republic of Benin will be presenting paper on Public Service entitled, “the Imperatives for National Security in Nigeria” on Friday, 3rd of November 2023, at Dame Okowa Auditorium, University of Ibadan.

The Chairman of the UIAA 2023 Lecture Series Organizing Committee, Engineer Prof. Sarah Akintola, told newsmen in Ibadan, Oyo State, that the lecture will be a gathering of who-is-who in Nigeria.

Akintola, a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Ibadan noted that the Lecture Committee was very excited that the retired soldier turned diplomat would be the Guest Speaker of the UIAA 2nd Stanza National Public Service Lecture.

While expressing confidence of the UIAA Worldwide 2023 Lecture Organizing Committee in Buratai’s ability to do justice to the lecture theme: “PUBLIC SERVICE AND THE IMPERATIVE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY IN NIGERIA”, Prof. Akintola noted that General Buratai (Rtd) is a man with verse experience in public service and security and Nigerians all over the world are waiting to tap from his versed knowledge tomorrow as there will be Zoom Link for those that could not physically attend.


She called on UItes and Nigerians especially security personnel to attend the lecture adding that it would be an avenue to drink from Ambassador Lt. General Buratai’s huge reservoir of knowledge and fountain of wisdom.

NewsView online gathered that the UIAA Worldwide leadership lecture which is scheduled to hold at the Dame Edith Okowa auditorium, Dr Michael Omolayole Alumni Complex of the University of Ibadan will be attended by dignitaries from all walks of life including Governor Seyi Makinde of Oyo State, Sir Mike Okiro (PhD), CFR former Inspector-General of Police of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, Olowu of Owu Kuta, Oba (Dr) Hammed Oyelude Makama CON, Tegbosun III, amongst others.

Guests are expected to be seated by 3:30pm, before the arrival of the Special Guest of Honour, Governor Seyi Makinde, top government functionaries, captain of industries, traditional rulers, clergymen, academicians and other notable Nigerians.

Lawyers Write Tinubu, Demand Sack Of Kyari Over Scarcity, Arbitrary Hike In PMPS …set to mobilised 1000 lawyers to occupy NNPCL headquarters

Lawyers under Coalition of Nigerian Legal Practitioners, Monday, demanded sack of Group Chief Executive Officer, GCEO, Engr Mele Kyari, over scarcity and arbitrary hike in price of Premium Motor Spirit, PMS, across the country.

Their demand was contained in a petition addressed to President Bola Tinubu, dated October 30,2023, with subject ‘PETITION AGAINST THE GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF NIGERIA NATIONAL PETROLEUM CORPORATION LIMITED (NNPCL), AND A CALL FOR HIS IMMEDIATE SACK’ and signed by Bernard Adesina, Peter Agbonghan, Igwe Chukwudi, and others.

According to them, as concerned citizens they are calling on Tinubu to sack Kyari because of the recent hike in the pump prices of petrol, its unwarranted scarcity across the country and the attendant hardship on Nigerians, which has drastically affected the livelihoods of millions of Nigerians.

Meanwhile, the petitioners in the letter to the President through the chambers of E.A Onukaogu & Co, also copied the Speaker, House of Representatives, Nigeria Security Adviser Director General, State Security Service, SSS, and Inspector General of Police. And that there are mobilising 1,000 lawyers to march on NNPCL headquarters on November 2, 2023 to register their displeasure.

The petition reads, “We are writing you on behalf of a coalition of Nigerian legal practitioners who are desirous of good governance, delivery of public good and welfare of the Nigerian people.

“We are writing you in connection with the recent hike in the pump prices of petrol, its unwarranted scarcity across the country and the attendant hardship on Nigerians, which has drastically affected the livelihoods of millions of Nigerians.

“As concerned citizens we wish to emphatically state that immediate action is imperative in order to arrest the current debilitating situation.

“Under the current leadership of the present Group Chief Executive Officer (GCEO) of the NNPCL, the company has failed woefully and calamitously in its role to ensure adequate supply of petroleum products in the country leading to skyrocketing cost of transportation, inflation of food prices and other untold hardships.

“We therefore wish to express our disappointment and to categorically state that we have lost faith in the capability and competence of the current GCEO to deliver on the mandate of the company.

“It is our considered view that the NNPCL needs a change in leadership at this juncture in order to allow fresh brawn and grit that thinks out of the box to inject fresh ideas and strategy to drive the company forward.

“We therefore call for the immediate sack of the current GCEO of the NNPCL who has demonstrably failed to effectively lead the company. We therefore ask that President Bola Ahmed Tinubu relieves the current GCEO of his duties and sack him from his position.

Meanwhile, they disclosed that they are going to occupy NNPCL headquarters if Tinubu do not sack Kyari.

“To demonstrate the gravity and urgency of the situation, we will mobilize over 1,000 Lawyers to hold a National Press Conference and Rally on the 2nd of November 2023 in which Nigerian news organizations in the print, radio, TV, and online media will be invited as we give voice to the pains and anguish of millions of Nigerians caused by the unwarranted, insensitive and callous hike in the pump price of petrol despite the excruciating pains Nigerians are already suffering because of the present dire economic situation, and also the inexplicable scarcity of petroleum products.

“We have also concluded plans to proceed to court to ensure that our demands are met.

“We therefore urge you (Tinubu) to use your good office to take immediate and necessary decisive actions to address the present issue of fuel crisis.

“We equally urge the President to assess the performance of the NNPCL’s Board of Directors and the current GCEO, dissolve/sack them and that expected sanctions be meted out in order to save Nigerians from this unnecessary crisis and hardship.

“It is our strong belief that for the NNPCL to find its bearings and rediscover itself in order to fulfill its mandate, there needs to be a total overhaul of its leadership. This will definitely go a long way in restoring the confidence that Nigerians have reposed in the Company.

“Thank you in anticipation of your most favourable and swift response. Please accept the assurances of our highest regards”, they concluded.

Former IG-P, Mike Okiro To Chair 2nd Stanza 2023 UIAA National Public Service Lecture

Sir Mike Okiro, PhD


Less than two days to the University of Ibadan Alumni Association (UIAA), Worldwide, 2023 2nd Stanza National Public Service Lecture, former Inspector General Of Police (IG-P and former Chairman, Police Service Commission, Sir (Dr) Mike Mbama Okiro (PhD), CFR, NPM, mni, has been unveiled as the Chairman of the occasion.

The Chairman of the UIAA 2023 Lecture Series Organizing Committee, Engineer Prof. Sarah Akintola, disclosed this today in Ibadan, Oyo State, that the lecture will be a gathering of who-is-who in Nigeria.

Akintola, a Professor of Petroleum Engineering at the University of Ibadan noted that the Lecture Committee were very excited that Sir Mike Okiro, the 13th indigenous Inspector-General of Police of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, would be Chairman of the UIAA 2nd Stanza National Public Service Lecture.

Mike Okiro

According to Akintola “As the Inspector General of Police, Federal Republic of Nigeria, Mike Okiro created a channel of communication as a tool of bridging the Police-Public divide, the philosophy that gave birth to “THE DAWN ” newspaper.


“The thorough breed ex police boss, Okiro is a prominent Nigerian who have been contributing to global development through his intellectual works even before being promoted to the rank of IG-P (rtd)

“Sir Mike Okiro has a string of firsts attached to his name. He was the first NYSC Member to become Inspector-General of Police and the first retired Inspector-General of Police to become Chairman Police Service Commission. He is a pride of the University of Ibadan Alumni Association worldwide and loved by Nigerians.

Sir Mike Okiro, PhD, CFR

“Again, the versatile retired Police boss was carefully chosen to Chair the UIAA 2nd Stanza National Public Service Lecture because of the title of the lecture which is ‘PUBLIC SERVICE AND THE IMPERATIVE FOR NATIONAL SECURITY IN NIGERIA’ which has been Nigeria’s main challenge and Okiro Haven held so many leadership positions in the country is best for the Chairman”.

Sir (Dr.) Mike Mbama Okiro is a man with vast literary acumen and has authored five (5) books of different genre in spite of the herculean task associated with his chosen carrier.

The lecture shall hold on Friday, November 3, 2023, at the Dame Edith Okowa’s Auditorium, Alumni Complex, University of Ibadan, UI at 3pm.

Guests are expected to be seated by 2:30pm, before the arrival of Governor Seyi Makinde and the Guest Lecturer, Amb. Lt. General Tukur Yusufu Buratai, (PhD), CFR, Former Chief of Army Staff (COAS) and former Nigeria Ambassador to Republic of Benin.

Amb. Lt. Gen. Tukur Yusufu Buratai, PhD, CFR


By Kenneth Obieh

The official of the World Bank and Federal CARES Support Unit have declared Delta CARES programme to be outstanding in impacting on numerous beneficiaries across the state.

The team, lead from the Federal CARES Support Unit, a Senior Environmental Safeguard Specialists, Mr Edebeatu Chetachi, disclosed this during their debriefing at the end of the two days Pre Mid Term Review visit to the state.

Mr. Edebeatu disclosed that the personnel in-charged of the various delivery platforms in the state were very much experienced in effectively implementing the programme in the state according to the designs of the World Bank for the overall interest of bringing succour to the less privileged in the society.

The World Bank official revealed that the outstanding performance of the state in the implementation CARES programme should prompt the State government to release more funds to consolidate on the program’s gains so as to reachout out to more numbers of poor and vulnerable Deltans.

The Commissioner for Economic Planning and Chairman of the State CARES Steering Committee, Mr. Sonny Ekedayen, appreciated project staff for their professionalism, effectiveness and efficiency which earned the State accolades from the program’s implementors.

He said, ” first, I will like to thank you all for sacrificing your weekends. I know what this mean for a typical civil servant . I must say that is not taken for granted and it is noticed. It shows the level of commitment that was put into this. If we are going to care for the vulnerable in our midst, we must make sacrifices at the expense of our convenience…”

While urging them to continue along that line of rendering quality service to the state, Mr Ekedayen promised that Governor Oborevwori would continue to provide the needed resources at the appropriate time to meet the needs of the underprivileged in the communities so as to ensure sustainability of the CARES initiative.

The Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mr Perez Omoun, alongside Commissioner for Humanitarian Support Services and the Girl Child Enterprenuership, Hon. Orode Uduaghan, reiterated the willingness of the new administration to reduce poverty to a reasonable minimum level even as encouraged the project staff to continue to put in their best for the good of the state.

The Secretary of the State CARES Steering Committee and Delta CARES Coordinator, Lady (Dr.) Patience Ogbewe, while thanking the team for a thorough assessment also reassured them that the delivery platforms will always on the fields to bring the benefits of the CARES Program to the target beneficiaries.

OMIWA Foundation, AMPF  Set For 2-Day Free Medical Outreach In Delta Community

OMIWA Foundation and the medical train of Anioma Medical Professionals Forum (AMPF), will be moving to Ezi community, a hinterland of Aniocha North Local Government Area of Delta state, this weekend, Saturday 7th and Sunday 8th October, 2023, for exclusive medical outreach.

OMIWA Foundation

The Medical Outreach is expected to be flagged-Off by the Delta State Commissioner For Health, Dr. Joseph Onojaeme at Ezi Community.

This was disclosed by the Project Coordinator of OMIWA Foundation, Mr. Tohan Okenyi, to sensitize the people of the community with regards to the coming programme.

According to Okenyi, “OMIWA Foundation is into humanitarian services, which through our several Free Medical missions in various communities in Delta state, have been able to affect lives positively, we have successfully completed 18 free medical missions including 13 hernia surgeries, payment for hip replacement surgery for a beneficiary and over 6,000 beneficiaries in two and a half years.

“OMIWA is in conjunction with AMPF, which has been noted for its humanitarian services to various local communities in the aspect of giving free health needs to the people in the past few years

“President of Anioma Medical Professionals Forum, Dr. Alexander Awunor, will be leading his medical team to Ezi for the OMIWA Foundation Medical Outreach”.

The Project Coordinator said Ezi Community is expected to benefit enormously in this exclusively packaged free medical mission to the community.

Medical Surgery rendered by OMIWA

This Newspaper gathered that services programmed to take place within the 2-day outreach are: Consultation and Counselling, Laboratory Tests (Blood Sugar, Hepatitis B), Drug Distribution, Eye Screening and Dispensing of Lenses, Health Talk on Nutrition and Disease Conditions, including observing all Covid-19 protocols and many more.

Okenyi noted that since it was founded in 2020 during COVID-19 with the aim of helping those in rural areas and grassroots providing free Medical assistant for them at zero cost, OMIWA Foundation partnering with AMPF, the frequency and consistency of this medical outreaches had increased to the benefit of so many.

“We have been to Idumu-Ogo, Onicha-Ugbo, Ezi, Ugboba, Ugbodu, Issele-Ikpitime, Ubulu-Ubu, Ubulu-Okiti,Atumai-Iga, Ebu, Ukwu-Nzu and this will be the third time of coming to Ezi.

“In particular, most communities in Aniocha North in the past one year had benefitted, even as the NGOs are committed to covering the entire local government area before moving to other communities of Anioma.

It is also interesting to note that majority of these beneficiaries have been testifying to the efficacy of the services of OMIWA Foundation and AMPF, especially in the areas of disease treatment and minor surgeries performed.

The Majority Leader of the State House of Assembly (DTHA) Hon. (Engr) Emeka Nwaobi, Aniocha North Council Chairman, Hon. Kevin Okwuechime, Ogbuenyi and Omeaku Augustine Ogochukwu Amagoh amongst others are expected to grace the occasion as special guests.