ACCESSING QUALITY HEALTH-CARE: Akpoveta calls for ‘Collective Responsibility’ of supporting the needy

By Pat Gbemudu
The Director-General/ CEO of Delta State Contributory Health Commission ( DSCHC), Olorogun Dr. Isaac Akpoveta, has called on all Deltans of means, nationally or in the diaspora, to please imbibe the concept of Collective Responsibility especially by adopting indigents and vulnerable persons in Delta State, and purchase health insurance card of the DSCHS for them.
Olorogun Dr Isaac Akpoveta
The  D-G made the assertion at the Flagging-Off of registration of 1,000 Indigents Adopted for enrollment into the DSCHC Insurance Scheme by the Akpoveta family at Ofuoma Community in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State yesterday.
In his speech titled “ADOPTING AND CARING FOR INDIGENTS: Supporting the Needy – The Beauty of Collective Responsibility”, Dr. Akpoveta, who noted that Good health is the very first need of humans, disclosed that he and his immediate family nationally and in diaspora decided to enrich the lives of vulnerable and indigent persons in and around his community of Ofuoma and its neighboring communities of Odovie, Emeragha, Ogbowan, Afiesere and Ughelli Town as a way of supporting the needy.
According to him “Supporting others and embracing the concept of Collective Responsibility creates a powerful and positive impact on individuals and communities alike. The  registration is just at a subsidized rate of N7,000 only per person for a whole year of accessible and quality health care.
“With the insurance card they will receive quality healthcare services from any Health care facility of their choice for one year. This will surely enrich their lives, as Good Health is WEALTH, as the saying goes.
” This is what the Akpoveta family has demonstrated by adopting and enrolling 1000 indigents.”
Dr. Akpoveta, flanked by a representative of World Health Organization (WHO) Dr. David Kojovo, the President General (P-G) of Ofuoma Community, Comrade Godfrey Etabuko, Delta State Chairman of Association of Senior Civil Servants of Nigeria, ASCSN/TUC, Comrade Bolum Martins Nwachukwu, stirringly asserted that “Embracing collective responsibility transforms communities, making them more resilient, inclusive, and compassionate. It highlights the interconnectedness of human experiences and the importance of working together to create a better world for everyone.”
Highlighting the beauty of Collective Responsibility in his speech, the Director General of DSCHC opined that ‘Fostering Unity and Cooperation’ was crucial to the rescue.
He said collective responsibility encourages people to work together towards common goals, fostering a sense of unity and cooperation.
“This can strengthen community bonds and create a supportive environment where everyone feels valued and included. WHEN YOU VALUE PEOPLE, PEOPLE VALUE YOU”. Akpoveta added.
The D-G also harped on ‘Empowering Individuals’ noting that when people know they have the support of others, they feel more empowered to take risks, pursue their goals, and overcome challenges. That such collective backing can boost confidence and resilience.
Other points raised and suggested by Dr. Akpoveta in supporting the needy includes ‘Enhances Well-being’, where he said a community that practices collective responsibility tends to have higher levels of well-being. That people feel more secure and less isolated when they know they are part of a network that looks out for one another.
He charged Nigerians to Promote Social Justice. That by sharing responsibilities and resources, communities can address inequalities and ensure that everyone had access to opportunities and support. This can lead to more equitable outcomes and a fairer society.
The D-G also encouraged people to ‘Builds Trust’ that it’s only when individuals consistently support each other, trust within the community grows.
According to Dr. Akpoveta, “Trust is a critical component of strong relationships and effective collaboration, making collective efforts more successful.
“Another point is ‘Inspire Positive Change’. Collective responsibility can drive social change by mobilizing groups to take action on important issues. When people come together to support a cause, they can create significant and lasting impact.
“We must ‘Encourage Altruism’. Supporting others encourages altruistic behavior, which can be deeply fulfilling. Helping others not only benefits the recipients but also brings a sense of purpose and satisfaction to the helpers.
“Altruism is the principle and practice of concern for the well-being and/or happiness of other humans or animals above oneself.”
Commending the Delta State Government which he said has and still supporting the scheme haven paid billions of naira especially for the vulnerable (maternal and children under 5 years), Dr. Akpoveta said the totality of the concept of Collective Responsibility is what is encapsulated in the M.O.R.E. Agenda of the His Excellency Rt. Hon. Sheriff Oborevwori’s Administration.
M: Meaningful Development
O: Opportunity for All
R: Realistic Reforms
E: Enhance Peace and Security
According to him “More especially Collective Responsibly creates Opportunity for All and it Enhance Peace and Security of Communities where it is practiced deliberately.
“The Delta State Contributory Health Commission was established to run a Social Health Insurance Scheme with several plans: Equity Plan; Formal Plan; Informal Plan and Private Plan. It also runs Initiatives: Indigent Enrollee.
“Adoption Initiative: Artisans Enrollee Adoption Initiative; Access To Finance Initiative and the TISSHIP.
“With these plans and initiatives we have enrolled over 2milion residents of Delta State with over 7million encounters since inception of the schemes about 8 years ago.”